Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties - Trainer 1.01/1.01A Mei 14, 2008 FOR THE PATCHED (1.01/1.01a) RETAIL VERSION OF THE GAME. * Add Gold, Wood, Food, Export, Experience Points, Set Population to 0.
Assassin’s Creed - Trainer DX9 and DX10 Retail Mei 14, 2008 FOR THE RETAIL DX9 and DX10 VERSION OF THE GAME! Add Time to Timer, Unlimited Throwing Knives, Rapid Recovery, Levitation Kill, Super Assas...
Aggression: Reign Over Europe - Trainer Mei 14, 2008 Numpad 1: Industry Numpad 2: Education Numpad 3: Population - You must select one of your cities and you will see your population has risen....
Silverfall: Earth Awakening - Trainer Mei 14, 2008 Add Health, Power, Attributes, Skills, Experience, Gold (FIXED).