Medal of Honor: Airborne - TRAINER 1.3


  • Unlimited Health- You are immune to attacks.

  • Unlimited Ammo- All weapons and grenades have infinite ammo.
  • Weapon Upgrade- When activated gives you maximum points for selected weapon and grenade. You will see guns and grenade bar rise above the weapon indicating it is active for that weapon. Once you make another kill you should get maximum upgrade medal for current weapon. Y0u must also kill with grenade to get it to upgrade.
  • Save Position- Saves current position in the map
  • Teleport- Moves you back to previously saved position.
  • Hover Up- Hover your troop in the air and fire from above! You can press multiple times to go higher and higher. Use this to reach rooftops and etc.
  • Hover Down- Use this to come back down, or alternately you can just move your trooper and he will fall back to whatever is below him.

Medal of Honor: Airborne - TRAINER 1.3

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