Heavenly Sword Walkthrough By phoenix009
Heavenly Sword Walkthrough Written by phoenix009
[1] Intro
[2] Updates
[3] Controls
[4] Game Mechanics
[5] Combo List
[6] Walkthrough
[7] FAQ
[8] Legal
[9] Closing
[10] Credits
[1] Intro
As a fan of the God of War series I was naturally drawn to Heavenly Sword
and had to play it. That is not to say it is not unique in its own way.
Its great characters, lush environments, amazing graphics and intense
combat system were all irresistible.
But enough of me giving a review, I hope you enjoy this game as much as
I did, and hope this guide helps you in your quest.
I will occasionally refer to Heavenly Speed, Power, or Range attacks
as simply Speed, Power, or Range which simple means use a Square
or X attack in that form.
[2] Updates
Version 1.00 - First official release.
[3] Controls
+++ Nariko +++
L1 - Hold to activate Heavenly Range Stance
L2 - N/A
L3 (Left Analog Stick) - Move or target when aiming
R1 - Hold to activate Heavenly Power Stance.
Fire when holding a weapon capable of firing
R2 - N/A
R3 (Right Analog Stick) - Evade or Zoom when holding a weapon capable of
4 Way Directional Pad - Move or target when aiming
Triangle - Attack/Counter, or fire when holding a weapon capable of
Square - Attack
Circle - Drop Object/Superstlye Attack
X - Action button to Pick Up/Use/Fire/Throw
Start - Pause
Select - N/A
+++ Kai +++
L1 - Hold to aim
L2 - N/A
L3 (Left Analog Stick) - Move or target when aiming
R1 - Fire when holding a weapon capable of firing
R2 - N/A
R3 (Right Analog Stick) - Evade or Zoom when holding a weapon capable of
4 Way Directional Pad - Move or target when aiming
Triangle - Fire when holding a weapon capable of
Square - Stun Enemy when near enemy. Fire when holding a weapon capable of
Circle - Drop Object
X - Action button to Use/Vault
Start - Pause
Select - N/A
[4] Game Mechanics
+++ Fighting stances +++
A. Heavenly Speed Stance - This is the default stance, and allows
you to attack with medium damage. You can block Blue attacks
B. Heavenly Range Stance - By pressing L1 you can activate this
stance. In this stance you will be able to deliver weak attacks,
to a large number of enemies. You will also be able to do
aeriel combos, and deflect projectiles. You will not be
able to block however.
C. Heavenly Power Stance - By pressing R1 you can activate this
stance. You will be able to deal powerful attacks, but your
movements will be slow. Also you will only be able to block
orange attacks.
+++ Combos +++
By pressing the X and Triangle buttons in variation, you will be
able to unleash combo attacks. As you progress, new combos will
be available to you. For a full list of combos, see the combo
+++ Aerial Combos +++
Go into Heavenly Range stance by pressing L1 and then press
Triangle to launch your opponents in the air. Quickly move your
controller up to be launched into the air. Then press variations
of the X and Triangle button to do aerial attacks.
+++ Blocking +++
Blocking is done automatically by not attacking while
your opponent attacks. There are four forms of attacks the
enemies use, and you must use a certain stance to block a
particular form. They are as follows:
Blue - If the enemy has a blue aurora than you must be in the
Heavenly Speed stance.
Orange - If the enemy has a orange aurora than you must be in the
Heavenly Power stance.
Red - If the enemy has a red aurora than the attack can not be
blocked, and must be evaded using R3 (Right Analog Stick).
Yellow - If the enemy has a yellow aurora than you must be in the
Heavenly Range stance and press either X or Triangle to
deflect the projectile. Note you will have to time your
block to match up with the projectile.
+++ Countering +++
In order to counter you must press Triangle when your enemy
attacks. If you press Triangle exactly when your enemy strikes
you will instantly kill him. If you are close you will perform a
normal counter. If you counter too late or early you will miss
and get hit by the enemy. Also you must be in the same stance
as the enemy to counter the attack. Note red and yellow attacks
cannot be countered.
+++ KO Recovery +++
Quickly move the controller upwards when Nariko has been knocked
off her feet to do a KO recovery or basically an aerial counter.
+++ Block Breaking Attacks +++
Performing certain combos can break an enemies block. See combo
list for details.
+++ Items +++
Items can be picked up and thrown. Press X to pick up and item
and X again to throw it.
+++ Aftertouch +++
In order to use aftertouch or "slow motion" for projectiles,
instead of just pressing X or Square to fire them, hold the
button and you will initiate aftertouch. While in aftertouch
mode hold the controller in front of your chest for optimal
results and steer the projectile in the desired direction.
+++ Debris Sweep +++
Press the Triangle button while in Heavenly Range stance to
sweep debris from the ground into enemies.
+++ Evasion +++
Move the R3 (Right Analog Stick) in any direction to do a rolling
evade. Press Square or Triangle while rolling to attack out of an
+++ Health +++
There are red pots throughout the game that when smashed will
restore your health.
+++ Interactive Cut scenes +++
These are cut scenes in which you have to press a number of buttons
in succession.
+++ Style +++
Throughout your mission you will receive style point depending on
how many combos, counters, super style attacks, and successful
projectile attacks performed.
+++ Superstlye Attacks +++
When you gain enough style points your superstlye disc by your
health meter in the top left will turn orange. Your superstyle
disc has three pieces and each piece corresponds to a different
superstyle attack. Each stance (speed, power, and range) have
their own supertyle attacks. There are a total of nine superstyle
attacks. You start off with only three superstlye attacks
however. Once you have at least one section of your superstyle disc
light up orange, you can activate a superstyle attack by pressing
O (circle) next to an enemy. This will instantly kill the enemy
but cannot be used on bosses.
Superstlye Attack List:
- Level 1 -
Heavenly Speed stance = Lover's Embrace
Heavenly Power stance = Lover's Quarrel
Heavenly range Stance = Gentle Seduction
- Level 2 -
Heavenly Speed stance = Startled Lover
Heavenly Power stance = Compassion
Heavenly range Stance = Lingering Touch
- Level 3 -
Heavenly Speed stance = Stolen Kiss
Heavenly Power stance = Adoring Traveler
Heavenly range Stance = Whirling Passion
+++ Glyphs +++
When you earn enough style points throughout a mission you will
gain a glyph. You can earn a maximum of three glyphs per
checkpoint. By earning glyphs you can unlock new content such
as new combos, superstyle attacks, or special features accessible
from the main menu.
[5] Combo List
- Legend -
^ = Triangle
[] = Square
O = Circle
X = X
(( )) = Shake Controller
+++ Long sword +++
Somersault Kick = [] [] []
Reverse Slash = [] [] ^
Ten Footed Kick = [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Crescent Kick = ^ ^ ^
Spiral Blade = ^ [] ^
+++ Speed Stance +++
Angel's Fury = [] [] [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Pummelling Angel = [] [] [] []
Angel's Vortex = [] ^ []
Savage Angel = ^ ^ []
Heaven's Wrath = ^ ^ ^
Twisted Angel = [] ^ ^ ^
Fallen Angel = [] ^ ^ when falling ^ (Block Breaker)
Heaven's Ascent = [] ^ ^ after landing ^ (Block Breaker)
Angel's Grave = [] ^ ^ after landing [] (Block Breaker)
Twin Angels = ^ [] []
Angelic Fury = ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Angel's Smite = [] [] ^ []
Heavenly Storm = [] [] ^ ^ ^ (Block Breaker)
Heaven's Spiral = [] [] ^ ^ [] (Block Breaker)
Angel's Harvest = [] ^ ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Angel's Crop = [] ^ ^ [] [] (Block Breaker)
+++ Power Stance +++
Devil Kneels = [] [] []
Devil's Scythe = [] ^ ^
Rising Devil = [] [] ^
Devil's Favor = ^ ^ ^
Hell's Envy = ^ [] []
Hell's Wrath = ^ [] ^
Striking Hell = ^ ^ [] [] (Block Breaker)
Laughing Devil = ^ ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Raising Hell = [] ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Blade of the Devil = [] ^ [] [] [] (Block Breaker)
+++ Range Stance +++
- Level Two -
Violent Tempest = ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Twisted Soul = [] [] [] [] [] [] []
+++ Aerial Combos +++
Deliverance = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] [] []
Flying Redemption = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] ^ ^ ^
Flying Vortex = (hold l1) ^ (( )) ^ ^ []
Soaring Blade = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold r1) [] (hold r1) [] (hold r1) []
Liberation = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold r1) ^ (hold r1) []
Flying Fan = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold l1) ^ (hold l1) ^
Optimistic Flight = (hold l1) ^ (( ))(hold l1) []
Flying Angel = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold r1) ^ ^ ^ ^
Bladed Downfall = (hold l1) ^ (( )) ^ (hold r1) [] (hold r1) []
Soaring Embrace = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] [] (hold l1) []
Falling Blossom = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] ^ ^ (hold l1) [] []
More coming soon.
[6] Walkthrough
+++ Prelude +++
- The Final Battle -
Just sit back and watch the opening scene. When the cut scene
finishes and you have control of your character, simply hack and slash
until it says to press O. Then the next cut scene will start.
+++ Chapter 1 +++
- Part 1 -
After the cut scene go climb the ladder on the opposite side of you by
pressing X. Proceed to climb down the ladder on the opposite side of the
one you just climbed up. Next be sure to break the red pot in the bottom
corner. Proceed to fight some enemies and then go to your left and fight
the remainder. Then climb down the ladder to a group of more enemies.
Make sure to break the red pot in the North East corner of the room, as
well as the one on the right by some barrels. Once all enemies are
defeated a cut scene will take place. You will then have to fight another
group of enemies. A cut scene will take place once you finish.
- Part 2 -
Here you will play as Kai trying to shoot enemies down before they make it
across the screen. Tilt the right analog stick up and down to zoom in and
out. Press the L1 button to fire. I suggest using after touch by holding
the L1 button instead of letting it go, allowing for you to go into slow
motion. I would also suggest to hold the controller in front of your
chest, rather than by your lap for better control. Make sure to break
the red pot under a tent type thing to your left. Once you defeat
enough enemies you will gain control of Nariko again. Defeat all enemies
in the area. A cut scene will take place once you defeat all enemies.
- Part 3 -
Climb the ladder to your left, then the one to your right. A cut scene
will follow.
- Part 4 -
You will now have to fire cannon balls at three big wooden structures.
They all have 3 weak spots which are red circles. There are two on the
top and one on the bottom. Use aftertouch and in slow motion hit them
all. Next simple rapid fire your cannon into large groups of enemies
until you kill 700. A cut scene will follow.
- Part 5 -
Run along the path until you run into a group of enemies. Kill them and
proceed. Hit the red pot in the middle of the road. Continue on, killing
more enemies where necessary. Next you will run into the first mini boss.
| Mini Boss 1 |
| |
| Just fight him and the rest as normal. There's no real |
| strategy as he is so easy. |
In the upper right corner there is a wheel. Press X rapidly to open a
gate. on the left hand side there is a red pot to smash. continue on
until you run into more enemies. Once you defeat them move forward until
you run into your first puzzle. Go to the left, grab a sword and use
after touch to kill the guy, then ring the bong. Proceed through the gate
ahead. Go to the bridge and a cut scene occurs.
- Part 6 -
Now kill hoard after hoard of enemies. Since you now have the sword, you
can use range attacks when there are too many enemies around you, and
heavy (orange attacks). Keep fighting until a cut scene starts.
+++ Chapter 2 +++
- Part 1 -
After the cut scene head to the light on the left and press X. You will
now have your first interactive cut scene.
* Rapidly press X
* Press right on your left analog stick
* Rapidly press X
* Press left on your left analog stick
* Rapidly press X
* Press Square
On the platform you landed on you will have to fight a group of enemies.
The range attack is useful here as it is a small area. Once you finish
press X at the light to your left.
- Part 2 -
An interactive cut scene will follow.
* Rapidly press X
Once you land defeat another group of enemies. When you finish another
group of enemies will enter the room. This time there are big guys with
axes. They can use orange and unblockable red attacks. Use your right
analog stick to avoid these red attacks. Try using your special O move
on the big guys as it will take them out in one hit. Note you must have
at least one orange piece in your upper left circle to use it. Mix up a
variety of attacks when dealing with the big guys. When finished smash
the red pot by the open exit door. Next proceed forward and hit the bong
on the right to open the gate.
- Part 3 -
There will be guys firing arrows at you, so use your range attacks
to block them. The enemies will turn yellow before they shoot. Just
move forward while killing them. Hit the red pot by the barrels at the
end. You will now have another puzzle to complete. First climb the ladder
on the right. Then grab a hat and use after touch to throw it at the
statue's shield and reflect it to the bong on the right to open the gate.
Go through the gate.
- Part 4 -
There will be swarms of enemies to defeat and then your first boss.
| Boss 1 |
| |
| The boss will use either blue, orange or red attacks in |
| various order. Use what counters you need to avoid these. |
| I recommend using heavy (orange) attacks against him, as |
| it seems to dispose of him quickly. There are red health |
| pots around the room if you find yourself low on health. |
| Once you drain his life you will have to press O to engage |
| a interactive cut scene. If you fail the cut scene, you will |
| have to fight him over again. The cut scene goes: |
| |
| * Press Left |
| * Rapidly press X |
| * Press Right |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Square |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Now you will have to beat him a second time the same way you |
| did the first time. Once you go through the second interactive |
| cut scene he will be defeated, and a regular cut scene will |
| take place. |
- Part 5 -
Go through the gate to your left, then down the stairs. Head right. Smash
the pot to your left. Now go back right and up another set of stairs where
objects will be thrown at you. Dodge them and defeat the enemies at the
top. Proceed forward and go to the wheel on the left of the gate and
rapidly hit X. Run forward to another gate and do the same. Run up the
- Part 6 -
Wait for the enemies to jump down and then defeat them. Note that Heavenly
Range attacks are useful here. Once finished a cut scene will follow.
- Part 7 -
Hit X on the light in front of a ladder on the right side of the room.
Then climb the ladder. Then rapidly hit X to pull the lever. Hit the
bong next to you, and proceed through the gate and go into the first door
with a box of hats. Use aftertouch and hit the bong on the left of the
room. Go to where the bong is and there will be another box of hats. Hit
the bong on the other side of the room next to the lever. Rapidly
press X to push the lever. Go all the way back across the room
to the ladder and climb down to the room below.
A cut scene will take place.
- Part 8 -
Run forward until you get to a cannon on the ground. Pick the cannon up
and wait for enemies. Use the cannon to kill them. If you run out of
bullets you can kill them normally. Run to the two statues at the end
and hit the red pot by the left one. Go to the light by the left one
and hit X. An interactive cut scene will occur as follows:
* Rapidly hit X
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press Square
Kill the enemies at the top. Go to the light and press X. Another
interactive cut scene occurs as follows:
* Press Square
Once back down go the light by the right statue and press X. An
interactive cut scene will occur as follows:
* Rapidly press X
* Press Square
* Press Square
Kill the enemies at the top. Once done go through the opened gate.
Grab the lever and rapidly press X. Now grab a hat to your left and
and using aftertouch hit the bong on the opposite side. Leave the
room and go to the light and press X. An interactive cut scene will take
place as follows:
* Press Up on the L3 Button
Once back on the ground go to the light by the left statue and an
interactive cut scene will take place as follows:
* rapidly press X
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press Square
Go through the gate and pull the lever inside by rapidly hitting X.
Go back outside and go to the light and press X. An interactive cut scene
will go as follows:
* Press Square
When back on the ground go through the large gate.
- Part 9 -
Run forward to the gate and wait for it to open. A cut scene will take
place. Defeat the enemies in the area. Note Heavenly Range and Superstyle
attacks are useful here. Once finished a cut scene takes place.
- Part 10 -
| Boss 2 Part 1 |
| |
| When the boss is away from you she will send waves of water |
| at you. You can deflect these by using your Heavenly Range |
| stance and using Square if she uses rectangle waves or |
| triangle if she uses V shaped waves. Once she finishes |
| launching waves at you run up and attack her. When she becomes |
| conscience, she will either use speed or heavy attacks. |
| Simply counter in the appropriate way until she moves to the |
| other side of the arena. She will then send more waves at you. |
| Repeat the cycle until her health meter goes down to zero. |
| Press Circle when near her and a cut scene will take place. |
| You will have to fight her a second time. Just do the same |
| thing over again. Note there are health pots around the arena |
| if you need them. Once you defeat her a second time an |
| interactive cut scene goes as follows: |
| |
| * Press O |
| |
| A regular cut scene will follow. |
- Part 11 -
As Kai you will have to shoot at enemies to make sure they don't reach
Nariko's father. First kill the ones on the left. Then there will be a
bunch you will have to kill on the ground as Nariko's father makes his
way towards you. I strongly recommend using aftertouch. Once he crosses
a cut scene will take place.
| Boss 2 Part 2 |
| |
| Use the exact same method as last time. When her health meter |
| reaches zero run up to her and press O. An interactive cut |
| scene will occur as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Once she is defeated a regular cut scene will take place. |
+++ Chapter 3 +++
- Part 1 -
Proceed to shoot the guys in front of you by the door using aftertouch.
Then just shoot the guys running at you normally. Go through the door at
the end. Then stand in front of one of the two fires and with a fire arrow
hit the red barrel in front of you. Proceed into the next area and shoot
the guy in front of you in the head. Go down the path into the next room.
- Part 2 -
Continue until you see a gate open. I suggest regular fire as they are so
close. Defeat this batch of enemies and move forward until another gate
opens, then defeat that group of enemies. Note there is a health pot in
the middle of the room toward the top if you need it. If the enemies get
too close stun them with Square and run back and fire again. Fight the
final set and go through the door. Continue on to another gate but smash
the red pot next to it on the right side of the room. Open the gate by
turning the wheel to the right of it, by rapidly pressing X. Continue
forward and turn the next wheel on the left in the same fashion. Now open
the next door by turning the wheel if need be. Then kill the enemies
running towards you. Wait for the next set and do the same. Kill the
final set and go through the door at the end. Turn the wheel to the
right of the door and go through it.
- Part 3 -
climb the ladder on the right side. If you want, get the pot hanging by it
first. Once at the top kill the enemies using aftertouch in front of you
(directly in front of the crates by you). There are some on the stairs and
some on the building next to it. Once they are dead climb the ladder next
to you to go up. Keep going until you go through a door. A cut scene will
take place.
- Part 4 -
Go inside the cart and turn the wheel to make it go up. Get out and go to
the wheel next to a gate and open it. You will have to fire at more
enemies using aftertouch. There are some directly in front of you on the
bridge. Some in the building above the bridge. Finally there are some in
the building to the left of the one above the bridge. There are two
health pots. One on the right side of the building above the bridge,
and one in the center of the building to the left of the one above
the bridge. Once all enemies are defeated go to the gate at the end
and turn the wheel on the right to open it.
- Part 5 -
A cut scene will take place. When you gain control of your character you
will have to fight a group of your own clansmen. Make sure to counter
their attacks, this will engage a random one button interactive cut scene.
Get as many of these right so you stun them, and not kill them, and
therefore gain more style points. Once done at cut scene will take place.
- Part 6 -
Run around the room until you reach a light by a door, not one of the
lights toward the center of the room that take you to the other side.
Once you press X a cut scene will take place. There will be a group of
enemies that will only die via headshots. You can use the lights to hop
from one side of the room and shoot a fire arrow at the red barrels, when
the enemies are near them. This will explode the barrels and kill the
enemies. Alternatively wait for them to get close to you and just fire
normally at their heads. If they get to close simply run away. Once they
are all dead go outside through a door on the outside wall in the room
you are currently in. Go up to the building and press X. A cut scene will
take place. Now leave the room and go back to the one you came from.
Go to a point directly across from the building outside. Now guide a
fire arrow using after touch all the way across the room, going outside,
and through the small hole in the red door. Your arrow must hit a red
barrel in that room. A cut scene will occur. Go toward that building and
another cut scene will occur. Get the red pot inside the building and go
back to the room you couldn't get into before, where the guy asked you
for the password. A cut scene will occur.
- Part 7 -
| Mini Boss 2 |
| |
| This guy is relatively easy. Just spam any button as he is |
| really slow. He mostly deals orange and red attacks, so watch |
| out for those. |
Once defeated a cut scene will occur.
- Part 8 -
Hop onto the cart. A cut scene occurs. Fire at the enemies using
aftertouch at the door you just left from. Next their will be a group of
enemies on a bridge to your left. You can use fire arrows and hit the
barrels next to them. Next fire at a group on a ledge to your upper right.
After that fire at a group further right on a set of stairs. There are
also some in the building towards the upper right of the stairs. Once
done a cut scene will take place. Fire at the enemies directly in front
of you. Note there is a pot on the left side if you need it. Go forward
and grab the Heavenly Sword on the right side. An interactive cut scene
will take place as follows:
* Press Right
* Press Left
* Rapidly press X
- Part 9 -
A cut scene occurs.
| Mini Boss 3 |
| |
| You will now have to fight a group of mini boss 2. At first |
| just stay alive. A cut scene will take place. Now since there |
| are more you will have to be on the lookout for red attacks |
| as well as blue attacks which there were not as many of the |
| first time around. An effective strategy is to use the Square, |
| Square, (Hold R1) Triangle combo. This will deal damage, and |
| knock the guys out of your way so you have more room. Keep |
| doing this until they are all dead. Note there are red pots |
| if you need health. Once they are all dead a cut scene will |
| occur. |
- Part 10 -
| Boss 3 |
| |
| This guy will have two attacks, he will roll into a ball and |
| charge at you. Evade his charge and if possible make him roll |
| into the black poles at the edge of the arena for massive |
| damage. Once he stops rolling he will be stunned. Run up |
| to him and use a speed, speed, power combo of your choice, |
| for when he attacks back he might be in orange form and |
| you will be ready to counter, or he will be in red form, so |
| evade. For the second attack phase use a triple power combo to |
| inflict massive damage and be ready to counter. After his |
| health is depleted wait for him to get stunned then run around |
| to his backside and press O. An interactive cut scene will |
| occur as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| |
| A cut scene will follow. In the second phase do the exact same.|
| Once his health is depleted go to his backside and hit O. An |
| interactive cut scene will go as follows: |
| |
| * Press Triangle |
| |
| A cut scene will follow. In the third phase once again do the |
| same thing. Once his health is depleted run to his backside |
| and press O. An interactive cut scene will take place as |
| follows: |
| |
| * Press O |
| |
| Run up to him and press O. An interactive cut scene will go as |
| as follows: |
| |
| * Press Right |
| * Press Square |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Now a normal cut scene will occur. |
| |
| Note: There are health pots if you need them. |
+++ Chapter 4 +++
- Part 1 -
Run forward where you will encounter a group of enemies that use heavy
attacks. Use heavy attacks yourself and counter theirs. Run forward and
open the gate by turning the wheel to the left of it. Next you will run
into a group of enemies that mostly use the speed stance. So stay in the
speed stance and use Heavenly Range when there are a lot of them close
by. To counter them you will need to do a regular counter, plus go
through a random one button interactive cut scene since they are so
fast. Proceed forward and deal with another group of heavy enemies.
Go to the gate and open it using the wheel to the left. Note there
is a red pot on the right side.
- Part 2 -
Continue on and fight more of those speed fighters. Then a group of heavy
fighters will come at you. Once they are dealt with run toward the open
gate. Note there is a red pot to the right of it. Turn the wheel on the
right side of the room. This will raise a statue. Quickly grab a hat in
box next to you and using after touch throw it at the statue and rebound
it into the bong ahead. Go through the opened gate.
- Part 3 -
Continue along the path until you run into a group of enemies. Defeat
them and then go up the ladder ahead of you. Note there is a health
pot on the left side if you need it. Once you climb the ladder
defeat the enemies on the platform. Climb the next ladder in front of
you. Defeat the enemies at the top. Then climb yet another ladder
ahead of you.
- Part 4 -
Grab the rocket launcher and wait for a group of enemies like those you
faced in mini boss 3. Once in range fire at them. If you run out of ammo
you will have to fight them as described in the mini boss 3 section. There
is a health pot on the left side toward the top, as well as one on the
right side if you need them. Once done run through the door on the upper
right hand side.
- Part 5-
Continue on the path and wait for the door to open. Then proceed forward.
On the bridge you will encounter a group of enemies that I suggest using
Heavenly Range at, as they are weaklings mostly. Once they are defeated
proceed forward. Move forward to a group of enemies that use arrows. Use
the Heavenly Range again to block their arrows and defeat them. Once
done go to the middle and turn a wheel to open the gate's locks.
Then quickly grab a body and throw it using aftertouch at the
bong in the middle, then proceed forward.
- Part 6 -
There will be an interactive cut scene as follows:
* Press Up
* Press Northwest
* Rapidly press X
* Press Up
* Rapidly Press X
* Rapidly Press X
Now continue forward. Defeat more of the speed fighters when you
run into them. Then move forward. There is a red pot on the left.
Continue on until you see a birdcage. A cut scene will take place.
- Part 7 -
| Boss 4 |
| |
| He will start off by flying towards the walls and throwing |
| either orange or blue boomerang things, so counter |
| accordingly. When he gets to the ground he will almost always |
| use orange or red attacks so stay in Heavenly Power mode and |
| attack and counter. Once his health is depleted a cut scene |
| will take place. In the second phase he is faster so it |
| might be a good idea to use a Speed, Speed, Power combo. |
| After awhile attack of the clones will occur. He basically |
| conjures up weak clones that for the most part can be dealt |
| with Heavenly Range attacks. Once the clones are beaten he will|
| fight you as normal again. Once his health is depleted a |
| cut scene will follow. Now you will have to fight even more |
| clones in the same fashion. Then when he goes back into |
| singular mode fight him as you did in phase two. Once his |
| health is depleted a cut scene will occur. After the cut scene |
| fire an arrow at him. Then another cut scene will occur. |
| Note there are red health pots at the edges if you need them. |
+++ Chapter 5 +++
- Part 1 -
You will have to fire cannon balls at a series of moving vehicles using
aftertouch. They have four red circular weak points. First target one on
the left than one on the right. Then fire three cannons at the red center
to remove its armour. Once it's gone fire at the red circle toward the
bottom, then fire at the red circle in the middle. Repeat this until all
the vehicles are destroyed. A cut scene will take place.
- Part 2 -
Keep moving left defeating enemies along the way. Make sure to stay close
to your father as you do so. Once done a cut scene will take place.
- Part 3 -
Fire the rocket launcher using aftertouch at a group of enemies. Once they
come close just regular fire. If you run out of ammo you will have to beat
them normally. Heavenly Range combos and Superstlye Level Three
(Range Form) are useful here. Once you have defeated enough enemies run up
to the catapult’s wheel and press X. An interactive cut scene will proceed
as follows:
* Rapidly Press X
* Press Square
Now go find the other catapult and go by its wheel and press X. This will
engage another interactive cut scene as follows:
* Rapidly Press X
* Press Square
A normal cut scene will follow.
- Part 4 -
Run forward avoiding all enemies. A cut scene will follow.
- Part 5 -
Defeat the massive amount of enemies by spamming the Heavenly Range
combos. Once done a cut scene will follow.
+++ Chapter 6 +++
| Final Boss |
| |
| Stage 1: |
| |
| Wait for him to get on the ground first. When he is on the |
| ground use a Speed, Speed, Speed combo as an offence. Then he |
| will usually quickly retaliate with an orange attack so try |
| and counter it. By using this Speed, Speed, Speed combo you |
| will be able to inflict damage and do block breakers. By using |
| The Heavenly Power Stance as your defence you can counter his |
| orange attacks and temporarily stun him. Then when he is |
| stunned you can hopefully land a triple power combo and |
| inflict massive damage. Note he will fire projectiles on the |
| ground occasionally in the form of blue or orange fireballs. |
| I have yet to counter them, so I don't know if it can be done. |
| Otherwise try evading. Once his health is depleted run up to |
| him and an interactive cut scene will take place as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Stage 2: |
| |
| He starts off by firing projectiles that are either blue or |
| orange. If they are blue use speed stance, if they are orange |
| use power stance. The orange ones are easy to counter, the |
| blue ones are harder. If you find the blue ones too hard to |
| counter you can evade, but he will not receive damage. When |
| countering press forward as well as triangle if you have |
| trouble, it seems to help. On the ground follow the pattern |
| Speed, Speed, Speed, then quickly evade back as he will use a |
| red attack. This will leave him momentarily stunned so lunge |
| forward with a Power attack. If done right you can get three |
| power hits and deal massive damage. There are times where he |
| will fly from one side of the arena to the other using a red |
| attack, so evade to the side. If he grabs you quickly press O |
| to counter and you can get a free hit. Once his health is |
| depleted run up to him and press O to engage an interactive |
| cut scene as follows: |
| |
| * Press O |
| |
| Stage 3: |
| |
| His final stage is a combination of the first two. The only |
| new attack is he will fire yellow projectiles which can be |
| easily deflected using a Heavenly Range attack. When he is |
| on the ground use the method described in stage one. When he |
| has wings use the method described in stage two. When his |
| health is depleted run up to him and press O, this will |
| initiate an interactive cut scene as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| * Press O |
| * Press Triangle |
| |
| Once done a regular cut scene will take place. |
[7] FAQ
Coming Soon.
[8] Legal
Copyright 2007 Bart Romanowski
Feel free to use this on your own website or for your own use
as long as it is not altered in any way and advance written permission is
obtained. Do not use parts of this guide for your own guide without
consenting for permission first.
Do not use this guide for profit.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are
owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
[9] Closing
If there is anything that is incomplete, an error, or anything else
you wish to point out, please email me at humdedelala@hotmail.com
I will try to answer every email, but if I do not, it is because I
am busy or working on another project.
[10] Credits
Thanks to the following people that made this guide possible
Sony Computer Entertainment
Ninja Theory
[1] Intro
[2] Updates
[3] Controls
[4] Game Mechanics
[5] Combo List
[6] Walkthrough
[7] FAQ
[8] Legal
[9] Closing
[10] Credits
[1] Intro
As a fan of the God of War series I was naturally drawn to Heavenly Sword
and had to play it. That is not to say it is not unique in its own way.
Its great characters, lush environments, amazing graphics and intense
combat system were all irresistible.
But enough of me giving a review, I hope you enjoy this game as much as
I did, and hope this guide helps you in your quest.
I will occasionally refer to Heavenly Speed, Power, or Range attacks
as simply Speed, Power, or Range which simple means use a Square
or X attack in that form.
[2] Updates
Version 1.00 - First official release.
[3] Controls
+++ Nariko +++
L1 - Hold to activate Heavenly Range Stance
L2 - N/A
L3 (Left Analog Stick) - Move or target when aiming
R1 - Hold to activate Heavenly Power Stance.
Fire when holding a weapon capable of firing
R2 - N/A
R3 (Right Analog Stick) - Evade or Zoom when holding a weapon capable of
4 Way Directional Pad - Move or target when aiming
Triangle - Attack/Counter, or fire when holding a weapon capable of
Square - Attack
Circle - Drop Object/Superstlye Attack
X - Action button to Pick Up/Use/Fire/Throw
Start - Pause
Select - N/A
+++ Kai +++
L1 - Hold to aim
L2 - N/A
L3 (Left Analog Stick) - Move or target when aiming
R1 - Fire when holding a weapon capable of firing
R2 - N/A
R3 (Right Analog Stick) - Evade or Zoom when holding a weapon capable of
4 Way Directional Pad - Move or target when aiming
Triangle - Fire when holding a weapon capable of
Square - Stun Enemy when near enemy. Fire when holding a weapon capable of
Circle - Drop Object
X - Action button to Use/Vault
Start - Pause
Select - N/A
[4] Game Mechanics
+++ Fighting stances +++
A. Heavenly Speed Stance - This is the default stance, and allows
you to attack with medium damage. You can block Blue attacks
B. Heavenly Range Stance - By pressing L1 you can activate this
stance. In this stance you will be able to deliver weak attacks,
to a large number of enemies. You will also be able to do
aeriel combos, and deflect projectiles. You will not be
able to block however.
C. Heavenly Power Stance - By pressing R1 you can activate this
stance. You will be able to deal powerful attacks, but your
movements will be slow. Also you will only be able to block
orange attacks.
+++ Combos +++
By pressing the X and Triangle buttons in variation, you will be
able to unleash combo attacks. As you progress, new combos will
be available to you. For a full list of combos, see the combo
+++ Aerial Combos +++
Go into Heavenly Range stance by pressing L1 and then press
Triangle to launch your opponents in the air. Quickly move your
controller up to be launched into the air. Then press variations
of the X and Triangle button to do aerial attacks.
+++ Blocking +++
Blocking is done automatically by not attacking while
your opponent attacks. There are four forms of attacks the
enemies use, and you must use a certain stance to block a
particular form. They are as follows:
Blue - If the enemy has a blue aurora than you must be in the
Heavenly Speed stance.
Orange - If the enemy has a orange aurora than you must be in the
Heavenly Power stance.
Red - If the enemy has a red aurora than the attack can not be
blocked, and must be evaded using R3 (Right Analog Stick).
Yellow - If the enemy has a yellow aurora than you must be in the
Heavenly Range stance and press either X or Triangle to
deflect the projectile. Note you will have to time your
block to match up with the projectile.
+++ Countering +++
In order to counter you must press Triangle when your enemy
attacks. If you press Triangle exactly when your enemy strikes
you will instantly kill him. If you are close you will perform a
normal counter. If you counter too late or early you will miss
and get hit by the enemy. Also you must be in the same stance
as the enemy to counter the attack. Note red and yellow attacks
cannot be countered.
+++ KO Recovery +++
Quickly move the controller upwards when Nariko has been knocked
off her feet to do a KO recovery or basically an aerial counter.
+++ Block Breaking Attacks +++
Performing certain combos can break an enemies block. See combo
list for details.
+++ Items +++
Items can be picked up and thrown. Press X to pick up and item
and X again to throw it.
+++ Aftertouch +++
In order to use aftertouch or "slow motion" for projectiles,
instead of just pressing X or Square to fire them, hold the
button and you will initiate aftertouch. While in aftertouch
mode hold the controller in front of your chest for optimal
results and steer the projectile in the desired direction.
+++ Debris Sweep +++
Press the Triangle button while in Heavenly Range stance to
sweep debris from the ground into enemies.
+++ Evasion +++
Move the R3 (Right Analog Stick) in any direction to do a rolling
evade. Press Square or Triangle while rolling to attack out of an
+++ Health +++
There are red pots throughout the game that when smashed will
restore your health.
+++ Interactive Cut scenes +++
These are cut scenes in which you have to press a number of buttons
in succession.
+++ Style +++
Throughout your mission you will receive style point depending on
how many combos, counters, super style attacks, and successful
projectile attacks performed.
+++ Superstlye Attacks +++
When you gain enough style points your superstlye disc by your
health meter in the top left will turn orange. Your superstyle
disc has three pieces and each piece corresponds to a different
superstyle attack. Each stance (speed, power, and range) have
their own supertyle attacks. There are a total of nine superstyle
attacks. You start off with only three superstlye attacks
however. Once you have at least one section of your superstyle disc
light up orange, you can activate a superstyle attack by pressing
O (circle) next to an enemy. This will instantly kill the enemy
but cannot be used on bosses.
Superstlye Attack List:
- Level 1 -
Heavenly Speed stance = Lover's Embrace
Heavenly Power stance = Lover's Quarrel
Heavenly range Stance = Gentle Seduction
- Level 2 -
Heavenly Speed stance = Startled Lover
Heavenly Power stance = Compassion
Heavenly range Stance = Lingering Touch
- Level 3 -
Heavenly Speed stance = Stolen Kiss
Heavenly Power stance = Adoring Traveler
Heavenly range Stance = Whirling Passion
+++ Glyphs +++
When you earn enough style points throughout a mission you will
gain a glyph. You can earn a maximum of three glyphs per
checkpoint. By earning glyphs you can unlock new content such
as new combos, superstyle attacks, or special features accessible
from the main menu.
[5] Combo List
- Legend -
^ = Triangle
[] = Square
O = Circle
X = X
(( )) = Shake Controller
+++ Long sword +++
Somersault Kick = [] [] []
Reverse Slash = [] [] ^
Ten Footed Kick = [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Crescent Kick = ^ ^ ^
Spiral Blade = ^ [] ^
+++ Speed Stance +++
Angel's Fury = [] [] [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Pummelling Angel = [] [] [] []
Angel's Vortex = [] ^ []
Savage Angel = ^ ^ []
Heaven's Wrath = ^ ^ ^
Twisted Angel = [] ^ ^ ^
Fallen Angel = [] ^ ^ when falling ^ (Block Breaker)
Heaven's Ascent = [] ^ ^ after landing ^ (Block Breaker)
Angel's Grave = [] ^ ^ after landing [] (Block Breaker)
Twin Angels = ^ [] []
Angelic Fury = ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Angel's Smite = [] [] ^ []
Heavenly Storm = [] [] ^ ^ ^ (Block Breaker)
Heaven's Spiral = [] [] ^ ^ [] (Block Breaker)
Angel's Harvest = [] ^ ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Angel's Crop = [] ^ ^ [] [] (Block Breaker)
+++ Power Stance +++
Devil Kneels = [] [] []
Devil's Scythe = [] ^ ^
Rising Devil = [] [] ^
Devil's Favor = ^ ^ ^
Hell's Envy = ^ [] []
Hell's Wrath = ^ [] ^
Striking Hell = ^ ^ [] [] (Block Breaker)
Laughing Devil = ^ ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Raising Hell = [] ^ [] ^ (Block Breaker)
Blade of the Devil = [] ^ [] [] [] (Block Breaker)
+++ Range Stance +++
- Level Two -
Violent Tempest = ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Twisted Soul = [] [] [] [] [] [] []
+++ Aerial Combos +++
Deliverance = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] [] []
Flying Redemption = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] ^ ^ ^
Flying Vortex = (hold l1) ^ (( )) ^ ^ []
Soaring Blade = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold r1) [] (hold r1) [] (hold r1) []
Liberation = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold r1) ^ (hold r1) []
Flying Fan = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold l1) ^ (hold l1) ^
Optimistic Flight = (hold l1) ^ (( ))(hold l1) []
Flying Angel = (hold l1) ^ (( )) (hold r1) ^ ^ ^ ^
Bladed Downfall = (hold l1) ^ (( )) ^ (hold r1) [] (hold r1) []
Soaring Embrace = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] [] (hold l1) []
Falling Blossom = (hold l1) ^ (( )) [] ^ ^ (hold l1) [] []
More coming soon.
[6] Walkthrough
+++ Prelude +++
- The Final Battle -
Just sit back and watch the opening scene. When the cut scene
finishes and you have control of your character, simply hack and slash
until it says to press O. Then the next cut scene will start.
+++ Chapter 1 +++
- Part 1 -
After the cut scene go climb the ladder on the opposite side of you by
pressing X. Proceed to climb down the ladder on the opposite side of the
one you just climbed up. Next be sure to break the red pot in the bottom
corner. Proceed to fight some enemies and then go to your left and fight
the remainder. Then climb down the ladder to a group of more enemies.
Make sure to break the red pot in the North East corner of the room, as
well as the one on the right by some barrels. Once all enemies are
defeated a cut scene will take place. You will then have to fight another
group of enemies. A cut scene will take place once you finish.
- Part 2 -
Here you will play as Kai trying to shoot enemies down before they make it
across the screen. Tilt the right analog stick up and down to zoom in and
out. Press the L1 button to fire. I suggest using after touch by holding
the L1 button instead of letting it go, allowing for you to go into slow
motion. I would also suggest to hold the controller in front of your
chest, rather than by your lap for better control. Make sure to break
the red pot under a tent type thing to your left. Once you defeat
enough enemies you will gain control of Nariko again. Defeat all enemies
in the area. A cut scene will take place once you defeat all enemies.
- Part 3 -
Climb the ladder to your left, then the one to your right. A cut scene
will follow.
- Part 4 -
You will now have to fire cannon balls at three big wooden structures.
They all have 3 weak spots which are red circles. There are two on the
top and one on the bottom. Use aftertouch and in slow motion hit them
all. Next simple rapid fire your cannon into large groups of enemies
until you kill 700. A cut scene will follow.
- Part 5 -
Run along the path until you run into a group of enemies. Kill them and
proceed. Hit the red pot in the middle of the road. Continue on, killing
more enemies where necessary. Next you will run into the first mini boss.
| Mini Boss 1 |
| |
| Just fight him and the rest as normal. There's no real |
| strategy as he is so easy. |
In the upper right corner there is a wheel. Press X rapidly to open a
gate. on the left hand side there is a red pot to smash. continue on
until you run into more enemies. Once you defeat them move forward until
you run into your first puzzle. Go to the left, grab a sword and use
after touch to kill the guy, then ring the bong. Proceed through the gate
ahead. Go to the bridge and a cut scene occurs.
- Part 6 -
Now kill hoard after hoard of enemies. Since you now have the sword, you
can use range attacks when there are too many enemies around you, and
heavy (orange attacks). Keep fighting until a cut scene starts.
+++ Chapter 2 +++
- Part 1 -
After the cut scene head to the light on the left and press X. You will
now have your first interactive cut scene.
* Rapidly press X
* Press right on your left analog stick
* Rapidly press X
* Press left on your left analog stick
* Rapidly press X
* Press Square
On the platform you landed on you will have to fight a group of enemies.
The range attack is useful here as it is a small area. Once you finish
press X at the light to your left.
- Part 2 -
An interactive cut scene will follow.
* Rapidly press X
Once you land defeat another group of enemies. When you finish another
group of enemies will enter the room. This time there are big guys with
axes. They can use orange and unblockable red attacks. Use your right
analog stick to avoid these red attacks. Try using your special O move
on the big guys as it will take them out in one hit. Note you must have
at least one orange piece in your upper left circle to use it. Mix up a
variety of attacks when dealing with the big guys. When finished smash
the red pot by the open exit door. Next proceed forward and hit the bong
on the right to open the gate.
- Part 3 -
There will be guys firing arrows at you, so use your range attacks
to block them. The enemies will turn yellow before they shoot. Just
move forward while killing them. Hit the red pot by the barrels at the
end. You will now have another puzzle to complete. First climb the ladder
on the right. Then grab a hat and use after touch to throw it at the
statue's shield and reflect it to the bong on the right to open the gate.
Go through the gate.
- Part 4 -
There will be swarms of enemies to defeat and then your first boss.
| Boss 1 |
| |
| The boss will use either blue, orange or red attacks in |
| various order. Use what counters you need to avoid these. |
| I recommend using heavy (orange) attacks against him, as |
| it seems to dispose of him quickly. There are red health |
| pots around the room if you find yourself low on health. |
| Once you drain his life you will have to press O to engage |
| a interactive cut scene. If you fail the cut scene, you will |
| have to fight him over again. The cut scene goes: |
| |
| * Press Left |
| * Rapidly press X |
| * Press Right |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Square |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Now you will have to beat him a second time the same way you |
| did the first time. Once you go through the second interactive |
| cut scene he will be defeated, and a regular cut scene will |
| take place. |
- Part 5 -
Go through the gate to your left, then down the stairs. Head right. Smash
the pot to your left. Now go back right and up another set of stairs where
objects will be thrown at you. Dodge them and defeat the enemies at the
top. Proceed forward and go to the wheel on the left of the gate and
rapidly hit X. Run forward to another gate and do the same. Run up the
- Part 6 -
Wait for the enemies to jump down and then defeat them. Note that Heavenly
Range attacks are useful here. Once finished a cut scene will follow.
- Part 7 -
Hit X on the light in front of a ladder on the right side of the room.
Then climb the ladder. Then rapidly hit X to pull the lever. Hit the
bong next to you, and proceed through the gate and go into the first door
with a box of hats. Use aftertouch and hit the bong on the left of the
room. Go to where the bong is and there will be another box of hats. Hit
the bong on the other side of the room next to the lever. Rapidly
press X to push the lever. Go all the way back across the room
to the ladder and climb down to the room below.
A cut scene will take place.
- Part 8 -
Run forward until you get to a cannon on the ground. Pick the cannon up
and wait for enemies. Use the cannon to kill them. If you run out of
bullets you can kill them normally. Run to the two statues at the end
and hit the red pot by the left one. Go to the light by the left one
and hit X. An interactive cut scene will occur as follows:
* Rapidly hit X
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press Square
Kill the enemies at the top. Go to the light and press X. Another
interactive cut scene occurs as follows:
* Press Square
Once back down go the light by the right statue and press X. An
interactive cut scene will occur as follows:
* Rapidly press X
* Press Square
* Press Square
Kill the enemies at the top. Once done go through the opened gate.
Grab the lever and rapidly press X. Now grab a hat to your left and
and using aftertouch hit the bong on the opposite side. Leave the
room and go to the light and press X. An interactive cut scene will take
place as follows:
* Press Up on the L3 Button
Once back on the ground go to the light by the left statue and an
interactive cut scene will take place as follows:
* rapidly press X
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press North West on the L3 button
* Press North East on the L3 button
* Press Square
Go through the gate and pull the lever inside by rapidly hitting X.
Go back outside and go to the light and press X. An interactive cut scene
will go as follows:
* Press Square
When back on the ground go through the large gate.
- Part 9 -
Run forward to the gate and wait for it to open. A cut scene will take
place. Defeat the enemies in the area. Note Heavenly Range and Superstyle
attacks are useful here. Once finished a cut scene takes place.
- Part 10 -
| Boss 2 Part 1 |
| |
| When the boss is away from you she will send waves of water |
| at you. You can deflect these by using your Heavenly Range |
| stance and using Square if she uses rectangle waves or |
| triangle if she uses V shaped waves. Once she finishes |
| launching waves at you run up and attack her. When she becomes |
| conscience, she will either use speed or heavy attacks. |
| Simply counter in the appropriate way until she moves to the |
| other side of the arena. She will then send more waves at you. |
| Repeat the cycle until her health meter goes down to zero. |
| Press Circle when near her and a cut scene will take place. |
| You will have to fight her a second time. Just do the same |
| thing over again. Note there are health pots around the arena |
| if you need them. Once you defeat her a second time an |
| interactive cut scene goes as follows: |
| |
| * Press O |
| |
| A regular cut scene will follow. |
- Part 11 -
As Kai you will have to shoot at enemies to make sure they don't reach
Nariko's father. First kill the ones on the left. Then there will be a
bunch you will have to kill on the ground as Nariko's father makes his
way towards you. I strongly recommend using aftertouch. Once he crosses
a cut scene will take place.
| Boss 2 Part 2 |
| |
| Use the exact same method as last time. When her health meter |
| reaches zero run up to her and press O. An interactive cut |
| scene will occur as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Once she is defeated a regular cut scene will take place. |
+++ Chapter 3 +++
- Part 1 -
Proceed to shoot the guys in front of you by the door using aftertouch.
Then just shoot the guys running at you normally. Go through the door at
the end. Then stand in front of one of the two fires and with a fire arrow
hit the red barrel in front of you. Proceed into the next area and shoot
the guy in front of you in the head. Go down the path into the next room.
- Part 2 -
Continue until you see a gate open. I suggest regular fire as they are so
close. Defeat this batch of enemies and move forward until another gate
opens, then defeat that group of enemies. Note there is a health pot in
the middle of the room toward the top if you need it. If the enemies get
too close stun them with Square and run back and fire again. Fight the
final set and go through the door. Continue on to another gate but smash
the red pot next to it on the right side of the room. Open the gate by
turning the wheel to the right of it, by rapidly pressing X. Continue
forward and turn the next wheel on the left in the same fashion. Now open
the next door by turning the wheel if need be. Then kill the enemies
running towards you. Wait for the next set and do the same. Kill the
final set and go through the door at the end. Turn the wheel to the
right of the door and go through it.
- Part 3 -
climb the ladder on the right side. If you want, get the pot hanging by it
first. Once at the top kill the enemies using aftertouch in front of you
(directly in front of the crates by you). There are some on the stairs and
some on the building next to it. Once they are dead climb the ladder next
to you to go up. Keep going until you go through a door. A cut scene will
take place.
- Part 4 -
Go inside the cart and turn the wheel to make it go up. Get out and go to
the wheel next to a gate and open it. You will have to fire at more
enemies using aftertouch. There are some directly in front of you on the
bridge. Some in the building above the bridge. Finally there are some in
the building to the left of the one above the bridge. There are two
health pots. One on the right side of the building above the bridge,
and one in the center of the building to the left of the one above
the bridge. Once all enemies are defeated go to the gate at the end
and turn the wheel on the right to open it.
- Part 5 -
A cut scene will take place. When you gain control of your character you
will have to fight a group of your own clansmen. Make sure to counter
their attacks, this will engage a random one button interactive cut scene.
Get as many of these right so you stun them, and not kill them, and
therefore gain more style points. Once done at cut scene will take place.
- Part 6 -
Run around the room until you reach a light by a door, not one of the
lights toward the center of the room that take you to the other side.
Once you press X a cut scene will take place. There will be a group of
enemies that will only die via headshots. You can use the lights to hop
from one side of the room and shoot a fire arrow at the red barrels, when
the enemies are near them. This will explode the barrels and kill the
enemies. Alternatively wait for them to get close to you and just fire
normally at their heads. If they get to close simply run away. Once they
are all dead go outside through a door on the outside wall in the room
you are currently in. Go up to the building and press X. A cut scene will
take place. Now leave the room and go back to the one you came from.
Go to a point directly across from the building outside. Now guide a
fire arrow using after touch all the way across the room, going outside,
and through the small hole in the red door. Your arrow must hit a red
barrel in that room. A cut scene will occur. Go toward that building and
another cut scene will occur. Get the red pot inside the building and go
back to the room you couldn't get into before, where the guy asked you
for the password. A cut scene will occur.
- Part 7 -
| Mini Boss 2 |
| |
| This guy is relatively easy. Just spam any button as he is |
| really slow. He mostly deals orange and red attacks, so watch |
| out for those. |
Once defeated a cut scene will occur.
- Part 8 -
Hop onto the cart. A cut scene occurs. Fire at the enemies using
aftertouch at the door you just left from. Next their will be a group of
enemies on a bridge to your left. You can use fire arrows and hit the
barrels next to them. Next fire at a group on a ledge to your upper right.
After that fire at a group further right on a set of stairs. There are
also some in the building towards the upper right of the stairs. Once
done a cut scene will take place. Fire at the enemies directly in front
of you. Note there is a pot on the left side if you need it. Go forward
and grab the Heavenly Sword on the right side. An interactive cut scene
will take place as follows:
* Press Right
* Press Left
* Rapidly press X
- Part 9 -
A cut scene occurs.
| Mini Boss 3 |
| |
| You will now have to fight a group of mini boss 2. At first |
| just stay alive. A cut scene will take place. Now since there |
| are more you will have to be on the lookout for red attacks |
| as well as blue attacks which there were not as many of the |
| first time around. An effective strategy is to use the Square, |
| Square, (Hold R1) Triangle combo. This will deal damage, and |
| knock the guys out of your way so you have more room. Keep |
| doing this until they are all dead. Note there are red pots |
| if you need health. Once they are all dead a cut scene will |
| occur. |
- Part 10 -
| Boss 3 |
| |
| This guy will have two attacks, he will roll into a ball and |
| charge at you. Evade his charge and if possible make him roll |
| into the black poles at the edge of the arena for massive |
| damage. Once he stops rolling he will be stunned. Run up |
| to him and use a speed, speed, power combo of your choice, |
| for when he attacks back he might be in orange form and |
| you will be ready to counter, or he will be in red form, so |
| evade. For the second attack phase use a triple power combo to |
| inflict massive damage and be ready to counter. After his |
| health is depleted wait for him to get stunned then run around |
| to his backside and press O. An interactive cut scene will |
| occur as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| |
| A cut scene will follow. In the second phase do the exact same.|
| Once his health is depleted go to his backside and hit O. An |
| interactive cut scene will go as follows: |
| |
| * Press Triangle |
| |
| A cut scene will follow. In the third phase once again do the |
| same thing. Once his health is depleted run to his backside |
| and press O. An interactive cut scene will take place as |
| follows: |
| |
| * Press O |
| |
| Run up to him and press O. An interactive cut scene will go as |
| as follows: |
| |
| * Press Right |
| * Press Square |
| * Press Up |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Now a normal cut scene will occur. |
| |
| Note: There are health pots if you need them. |
+++ Chapter 4 +++
- Part 1 -
Run forward where you will encounter a group of enemies that use heavy
attacks. Use heavy attacks yourself and counter theirs. Run forward and
open the gate by turning the wheel to the left of it. Next you will run
into a group of enemies that mostly use the speed stance. So stay in the
speed stance and use Heavenly Range when there are a lot of them close
by. To counter them you will need to do a regular counter, plus go
through a random one button interactive cut scene since they are so
fast. Proceed forward and deal with another group of heavy enemies.
Go to the gate and open it using the wheel to the left. Note there
is a red pot on the right side.
- Part 2 -
Continue on and fight more of those speed fighters. Then a group of heavy
fighters will come at you. Once they are dealt with run toward the open
gate. Note there is a red pot to the right of it. Turn the wheel on the
right side of the room. This will raise a statue. Quickly grab a hat in
box next to you and using after touch throw it at the statue and rebound
it into the bong ahead. Go through the opened gate.
- Part 3 -
Continue along the path until you run into a group of enemies. Defeat
them and then go up the ladder ahead of you. Note there is a health
pot on the left side if you need it. Once you climb the ladder
defeat the enemies on the platform. Climb the next ladder in front of
you. Defeat the enemies at the top. Then climb yet another ladder
ahead of you.
- Part 4 -
Grab the rocket launcher and wait for a group of enemies like those you
faced in mini boss 3. Once in range fire at them. If you run out of ammo
you will have to fight them as described in the mini boss 3 section. There
is a health pot on the left side toward the top, as well as one on the
right side if you need them. Once done run through the door on the upper
right hand side.
- Part 5-
Continue on the path and wait for the door to open. Then proceed forward.
On the bridge you will encounter a group of enemies that I suggest using
Heavenly Range at, as they are weaklings mostly. Once they are defeated
proceed forward. Move forward to a group of enemies that use arrows. Use
the Heavenly Range again to block their arrows and defeat them. Once
done go to the middle and turn a wheel to open the gate's locks.
Then quickly grab a body and throw it using aftertouch at the
bong in the middle, then proceed forward.
- Part 6 -
There will be an interactive cut scene as follows:
* Press Up
* Press Northwest
* Rapidly press X
* Press Up
* Rapidly Press X
* Rapidly Press X
Now continue forward. Defeat more of the speed fighters when you
run into them. Then move forward. There is a red pot on the left.
Continue on until you see a birdcage. A cut scene will take place.
- Part 7 -
| Boss 4 |
| |
| He will start off by flying towards the walls and throwing |
| either orange or blue boomerang things, so counter |
| accordingly. When he gets to the ground he will almost always |
| use orange or red attacks so stay in Heavenly Power mode and |
| attack and counter. Once his health is depleted a cut scene |
| will take place. In the second phase he is faster so it |
| might be a good idea to use a Speed, Speed, Power combo. |
| After awhile attack of the clones will occur. He basically |
| conjures up weak clones that for the most part can be dealt |
| with Heavenly Range attacks. Once the clones are beaten he will|
| fight you as normal again. Once his health is depleted a |
| cut scene will follow. Now you will have to fight even more |
| clones in the same fashion. Then when he goes back into |
| singular mode fight him as you did in phase two. Once his |
| health is depleted a cut scene will occur. After the cut scene |
| fire an arrow at him. Then another cut scene will occur. |
| Note there are red health pots at the edges if you need them. |
+++ Chapter 5 +++
- Part 1 -
You will have to fire cannon balls at a series of moving vehicles using
aftertouch. They have four red circular weak points. First target one on
the left than one on the right. Then fire three cannons at the red center
to remove its armour. Once it's gone fire at the red circle toward the
bottom, then fire at the red circle in the middle. Repeat this until all
the vehicles are destroyed. A cut scene will take place.
- Part 2 -
Keep moving left defeating enemies along the way. Make sure to stay close
to your father as you do so. Once done a cut scene will take place.
- Part 3 -
Fire the rocket launcher using aftertouch at a group of enemies. Once they
come close just regular fire. If you run out of ammo you will have to beat
them normally. Heavenly Range combos and Superstlye Level Three
(Range Form) are useful here. Once you have defeated enough enemies run up
to the catapult’s wheel and press X. An interactive cut scene will proceed
as follows:
* Rapidly Press X
* Press Square
Now go find the other catapult and go by its wheel and press X. This will
engage another interactive cut scene as follows:
* Rapidly Press X
* Press Square
A normal cut scene will follow.
- Part 4 -
Run forward avoiding all enemies. A cut scene will follow.
- Part 5 -
Defeat the massive amount of enemies by spamming the Heavenly Range
combos. Once done a cut scene will follow.
+++ Chapter 6 +++
| Final Boss |
| |
| Stage 1: |
| |
| Wait for him to get on the ground first. When he is on the |
| ground use a Speed, Speed, Speed combo as an offence. Then he |
| will usually quickly retaliate with an orange attack so try |
| and counter it. By using this Speed, Speed, Speed combo you |
| will be able to inflict damage and do block breakers. By using |
| The Heavenly Power Stance as your defence you can counter his |
| orange attacks and temporarily stun him. Then when he is |
| stunned you can hopefully land a triple power combo and |
| inflict massive damage. Note he will fire projectiles on the |
| ground occasionally in the form of blue or orange fireballs. |
| I have yet to counter them, so I don't know if it can be done. |
| Otherwise try evading. Once his health is depleted run up to |
| him and an interactive cut scene will take place as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| |
| Stage 2: |
| |
| He starts off by firing projectiles that are either blue or |
| orange. If they are blue use speed stance, if they are orange |
| use power stance. The orange ones are easy to counter, the |
| blue ones are harder. If you find the blue ones too hard to |
| counter you can evade, but he will not receive damage. When |
| countering press forward as well as triangle if you have |
| trouble, it seems to help. On the ground follow the pattern |
| Speed, Speed, Speed, then quickly evade back as he will use a |
| red attack. This will leave him momentarily stunned so lunge |
| forward with a Power attack. If done right you can get three |
| power hits and deal massive damage. There are times where he |
| will fly from one side of the arena to the other using a red |
| attack, so evade to the side. If he grabs you quickly press O |
| to counter and you can get a free hit. Once his health is |
| depleted run up to him and press O to engage an interactive |
| cut scene as follows: |
| |
| * Press O |
| |
| Stage 3: |
| |
| His final stage is a combination of the first two. The only |
| new attack is he will fire yellow projectiles which can be |
| easily deflected using a Heavenly Range attack. When he is |
| on the ground use the method described in stage one. When he |
| has wings use the method described in stage two. When his |
| health is depleted run up to him and press O, this will |
| initiate an interactive cut scene as follows: |
| |
| * Press Square |
| * Press O |
| * Press Triangle |
| |
| Once done a regular cut scene will take place. |
[7] FAQ
Coming Soon.
[8] Legal
Copyright 2007 Bart Romanowski
Feel free to use this on your own website or for your own use
as long as it is not altered in any way and advance written permission is
obtained. Do not use parts of this guide for your own guide without
consenting for permission first.
Do not use this guide for profit.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are
owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
[9] Closing
If there is anything that is incomplete, an error, or anything else
you wish to point out, please email me at humdedelala@hotmail.com
I will try to answer every email, but if I do not, it is because I
am busy or working on another project.
[10] Credits
Thanks to the following people that made this guide possible
Sony Computer Entertainment
Ninja Theory
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