Settlers: Rise of an Empire - The Eastern Realm - Trainer


  • 100000 Gold - locks the gold at 100000.

  • Instant 3 Resource - activate this option and then each time you click on a building that produces goods, it will set it to 3 automatically. Higher numbers caused crashes.
  • Instant 6 Troops - activate this option when you have the barracks selected and it will automatically fill it to 6 which you can then produce units quickly. It shuts off automatically
    in about a second to prevent crashes.

  • 1000 : 0 Population - toggle this to set population to 1000, to 0, or to normal use.
  • 0 Troops - toggle this to set number of troops to 0 so you can make more than the maximum.

Settlers: Rise of an Empire - The Eastern Realm - Trainer

Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer.

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