Battlefield 2 Game Strategies Guide/FAQ/Walkthrough

Battlefield 2 Game Strategies Guide/FAQ/Walkthrough
Platform: PC-DVD or CD
Latest Patch: v1.41
Game Version Written On: v1.41/v1.1.2965-797.0 (in-game version, installed as v1.41)
Author: superweapons
Sites that have permission to host this FAQ:;

Type: Game Guide/FAQ/Walkthrough
FAQ Version: 2.3
FAQ Started On: 12/8/07
Latest Update: 6/12/08

I. Introduction/Background to the Game:
Battlefield 2 is a fast-paced, team based PC game that pits players into modern battlefields, utilizing the latest weapons in
our modern world. Using a custom game engine, DICE (Digital Illusions CE) created a first person shooter that incorporated
strategy and role-playing elements, based on a current environment. Battlefield 2 (abbreviated BF2) allows players to choose
from three factions in which they battle from, the United States Marine Corps (USMC), the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the
Middle Eastern Coalition, and a new faction, the European Union (EU), included in EA/Dice's Euro Force booster pack. The entire
Battlefield series is well known for its multi-player/LAN setting, but it does include a Single-Player mode that puts the
player against a number of bots only limited by the performance of their PC (starting bots: 15). Your goal in this game is to
kill players of the other team and capturing key areas on the map. This FAQ that will show you how to do that and more.

0. Table of Contents: [0.0]

To navigate this FAQ quickly, search (Ctrl+F) for the number sequence in the brackets ( [ and ] ).

Opening Remarks:
I. Introduction/Background to the Game

0. Table of Contents [0.0]


1. Controls & Basics [1.0]
2. HUD/On-Screen Display [1.1]
3. Objective [1.2]
4. Game Elements [1.3]

Battle Features:

5. Infantry Classes/Kits [2.0]
6. Weapon Specifications [2.1]
7. Vehicles [2.2]
8. Aircraft [2.3]
9. Effective Game Strategies [2.4]


10. Environments/Battlefields [3.0]

10.1 Dalian Plant [3.1]
10.2 Daqing Oilfields [3.2]
10.3 Dragon Valley [3.3]
10.4 FuShe Pass [3.4]
10.5 Songhua Stalemate [3.5]
10.6 Gulf of Oman [3.6]
10.7 Kubra Dam [3.7]
10.8 Mashtuur City [3.8]
10.9 Clean Sweep [3.9]
10.10 Sharqi Peninsula [3.10]
10.11 Strike at Karkand [3.11]
10.12 Zatar Wetlands [3.12]


11. Unlockable Weapons [4.0]
12. Battlefield 2 Widescreen & Custom Resolutions [4.1]
13. Changing Ticket-Count [4.2]
14. Recommended Third-Party Add-ons & Extensions [4.3]
15. External Links [4.4]
16. Credits [4.5]

1. Controls & Basics [1.0]
*Note: This is the default control settings of Battlefield 2; they are customizable to your preferences.

Key: Motion:
W Move Forward
A Strafe Left
S Move Backwards
D Strafe Right
Spacebar Jump
Ctrl Crouch
Z Prone (lay on the ground)
R Reload (default settings auto reload once you run out of ammo for a particular weapon)
9 Parachute
E Enter/Exit Vehicles
G Pick Up Kit

Key: Action:
B Push to Talk
J Say to All
K Say to Team
L Say to Squad
Q Main Radio (used by AI)
T Secure Radio
V Communication Channel
Page Up Vote Yes/Roger That
Page Down Vote No/Negative
Enter Opens the Spawn Screen
Tab Opens the Scoreboard

Use the mouse to look around and aim. To use your weapon, press (and hold for automatic firearms) the left mouse button. You
can vary the distance in which grenades are thrown by holding the right mouse button until the bar indicates your preferred
range throwing range. You can switch weapons by pressing the F button, or the scroll wheel, and then left click to select
the highlighted weapon. To switch weapon modes, hit the number 3, or scroll back onto the weapon and click to change it to
the next available weapon fire option.

When you begin to reach areas of deep water, you will begin swimming. You can only move forwards and backwards, controlled by
the direction you are facing. Try to avoid swimming; you are an open target with no way to defend yourself.
Use the parachute whether you are jumping out of a plane, or just a tall building. To parachute, leap off and press the 9
button. Continually tap 9 until the parachute opens, steer it using the A and D buttons. You can also flare the parachute
(slow down its speed moving forwards) by pressing the S button. You can use your weapons while the parachute is deployed.

Double Tap W and hold, or hold down the Shift key to begin sprinting (increases your soldier's movement speed).
You cannot use your weapon during a sprint. The "sprint meter" cannot be recharged until you stop sprinting/jumping.
Sprinting also increases jumping distance, so get a sprinting start for longer jumps. The amount of sprint available for a
soldier is based whether he carries body armor or not.

Use the Shift button to assist in ladder descents, it tells your soldier to slide down the rails.

When parachuting, it is highly recommended by me to free fall right to the point where you are close to the ground, then
open the parachute. Do this to avoid taking fire from enemies, unless you are trying to "air snipe".

2. HUD/On-Screen Display [1.1]
Your HUD will show your current health, amount of energy left (for sprinting and jumping), ammo left in the selected weapon,
mini map, both sides' tickets, and remaining time (for multiplayer only). It will also show the amount of capturing a flag
that you've gotten to, if you are capturing a flag. If you are inside a vehicle, it might show you its health and the
weapon's own ammo, as well as a vehicles energy/special usage bar. If you are hit, it will display the direction where the
fire came from. The basic unit colors follow as this: Teammates are shown in blue; squad members are shown in green, and all
enemies regardless of the side in which they are on. This applies to the mini map and when targeting a unit, at long ranges
(usually only achieved with a sniper rifle on scope), it may take a few seconds for you to register a unit on a side. To
cycle through the three zoom levels of the mini map, use the N button. Press M to get a fully expanded view of the battlefield
map, use N to cycle through the larger map as well.

You will be in the center of the mini map, which will display the direction you are facing and any nearby units (teammates
and enemies if detected).

When you approach a friendly minefield (AT mines or claymores), red skull and crossbones icon will show up on the right side
of your screen.

3. Objective [1.2]
The overall objective of Battlefield 2 is to capture bases and kill the soldiers of the enemy side, draining their tickets.
Killing enemy players forces them to respawn, subtracting one point (for each person killed) from the entire team's tickets.

There are two game modes to Battlefield 2: Conquest and Cooperative Game play. Conquest is Battlefield 2's ranked game mode,
it follows the general rule above except that if all of one side's players are killed and there is no spawn point left for
that team, their tickets will instantly drop to zero (0), declaring a win for the opposite team. Cooperative mode works on
the same idea, but (a) player(s) goes against a number of bots. This type of game play is not incorporated into the ranking

4. Game Elements [1.3]
The major element in Battlefield 2 is control points. They are the things that mainly affect how a battle turns out, the
more you have, the better chance you have of winning.

5. Infantry Classes/Kits [2.0]
There are 7 classes of infantry for you to choose from:
Spec Ops (Special Forces)

3 Factions to choose from (2 factions play against each other on a map at a time, USMC vs. PLA or MEC):
USMC (United States Marine Corps)
PLA (Peoples' Liberation Army)
MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition

1st line: for the first weapon listed
2nd line: for the second weapon listed
3rd line: for the third weapon listed
4th line: for the fourth weapon listed

Overview of Classes:
|Spec Ops|

USMC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
92FS (silencer) 15 120
M4 30 150
Hand Grenade - 4
C4 - 5

PLA Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
QSZ-92 (silencer) 15 120
QBZ-97 30 150
Hand Grenade - 4
C4 - 5

MEC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
MR-444 (silencer) 15 120
AK-74U 30 150
Hand Grenade - 4
C4 - 5


USMC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
92FS (silencer) 15 120
M24 5 25
Hand Grenade - 4
Claymore - 2

PLA Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
QSZ-92 (silencer) 15 120
Type 88 10 50
Hand Grenade - 4
Claymore - 2

MEC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
MR-444 (silencer) 15 120
SVD 10 50
Hand Grenade - 4
Claymore - 2


USMC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
92FS 15 120
M16A2 30 210
M203 1 5
Smoke Grenade - 1

PLA Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
QSZ-92 15 120
AK-47 30 210
GP-25 1 5
Smoke Grenade - 1

MEC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
MR-444 15 120
AK-101 30 210
GP-30 1 5
Smoke Grenade - 1


USMC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
92FS 15 120
M249 200 1,200
Hand Grenade - 4
Ammo Bag - 3*
* = Replenishable

PLA Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
QSZ-92 15 120
Type 95 200 600
Hand Grenade - 4
Ammo Bag - 3*
* = Replenishable

MEC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
MR-444 15 120
RPK-74 130 650
Hand Grenade - 4
Ammo Bag - 3*
* = Replenishable


USMC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
92FS 15 120
M11-87 7 31
Hand Grenade - 4
AT Mine - 5
Wrench - -

PLA Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
QSZ-92 15 120
NOR982 7 31
Hand Grenade - 4
AT Mine - 5
Wrench - -

MEC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
MR-444 15 120
S12K 7 56
Hand Grenade - 4
AT Mine - 5
Wrench - -


USMC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
92FS 15 120
M16A2 30 150
Hand Grenade - 4
Media Bag - 3*
Shock Paddles - -
* = Replenishable

PLA Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
QSZ-92 15 120
AK-47 30 150
Hand Grenade - 4
Medic Bag - 3*
Shock Paddles - -
* = Replenishable

MEC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
MR-444 15 120
AK-101 30 150
Hand Grenade - 4
Medic Bag - 3*
Shock Paddles - -
* = Replenishable


USMC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
92FS 15 120
MP5 30 150
SRAW 1 6

PLA Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
QSZ-92 15 120
Type 85 30 150
Eryx 1 6

MEC Magazine Capacity: Ammo Count:
Knife - -
MR-444 15 120
PP-19 45 135
Eryx 1 6

6. Weapon Specifications [2.1]
This section gives you detailed specifications on each weapon.
Mag. Cap. = Magazine Capacity
Mag. Carr. = Magazines Carried
Dmg. = Damage
RPM = Rounds per Minute
Rld. Time = Reload Time
FM = Firing Modes
A = Automatic
SA = Semi-Automatic
B = Burst (3-shot)
BA = Bolt-Action
PA = Pump-Action

Spec Ops weapons

Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
M4 30 (4+1)=5 25 600 4.7 SA/A

AK-74U 30 (4+1)=5 29 600 4.3 SA/A

QBZ-97 30 (4+1)=5 25 600 4.3 SA/A

Sniper Weapons

Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
M24 5 (5+1)=6 95 BA 6 BA

SVD 10 (5+1)=6 45 - 4 SA

Type 88 10 (5+1)=6 45 - 4 SA

M95 5 (5+1)=6 190* BA 6 BA
* = 95 Damage against human targets

Assault Weapons

Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
M16A2 30 (6+1)=7 30 900 4.4 B/SA

AK-101 30 (6+1)=7 37 600 5 A/SA

AK-47 30 (6+1)=7 38 600 4 A/SA

G3 20 (6+1)=7 40 600 4.4 A/SA

Support Weapons

Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
M249 200 (5+1)=6 25 900 6.7 A

RPK-74 130 (5+1)=6 25 600 5.2 A

Type 95 200 (2+1)=3 25 900 4.2 A

PKM 100 (5+1)=6 45 450 6.3 A

Engineer Weapons

Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
M11-87 7 25 shells 8x30 60 1.18+0.67n PA

S12K 7 7 8x12 - 4 SA

NOR982 7 25 shells 8x30 60 1.18+0.67n SA

MK3A1 7 5 8x15 300 5 A

Medic Weapons

Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
M16A2 30 (4+1)=5 30 900 4.4 B/SA

AK-101 30 (4+1)=5 37 600 5 A/SA

AK-47 30 (4+1)=5 38 600 4 A/SA

L85A1 30 (4+1)=5 34 600 4 A/SA

Anti-Tank Weapons

Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
MP5 30 (4+1)=5 19 900 4.3 A/SA

PP-19 45 (2+1)=3 19 900 4 A/SA

Type 85 30 (4+1)=5 19 900 3.4 A

DAO-12 12 60 shells 8x12 - 0.575+0.625n SA


Mag. Cap. Mag. Carr. Dmg. RPM Rld. Time FM
92FS 15 (6+1)=7 20 - 3.2 SA

MR-444 15 (6+1)=7 20 - 3.1 SA

QSZ-92 15 (6+1)=7 20 - 3.2 SA

7. Vehicles [2.2]
There are multiple types of vehicles, though they all fall into each of 6 categories: Light Jeeps, Heavy Jeeps, Armored
Personnel Carriers, Anti-Aircraft Vehicles, Tanks, and Boats. Each is suited for its own specific task, which will help you
decide which vehicle to use when choosing one.

Light Jeeps:
PROS: Fastest land vehicles, 2 Machine Guns for mowing down infantry
CONS: No armor, exposed to small-arms fire and rockets

Light jeeps are most useful for rushing to neutral control points at the beginning of a game. Drive the light jeep off the
road; as roads are usually used by heavier vehicles, not necessarily on your side. Use this stealthy tactic to get to far-off
enemy control points and to sabotage enemy commander assets.

DPV (Desert Patrol Vehicle)
A very fast USMC jeep, sacrificing weaponry and armor for speed and agility. It has three positions, a driver, passenger 1
(heavy machine gun), and passenger 2 (machine gun). Passenger 1's heavy machine gun can only rotate 90 degrees (facing the

Paratrooper Vehicle/FAV (Fast Attack Vehicle)
A very fast PLA/MEC jeep, once again trading weaponry and armor for speed and agility. It has three positions, a driver,
passenger 1, (heavy machine gun), and passenger 2 (machine gun). The heavy machine gun of passenger 2 is capable of a 360
degree rotation.

Heavy Jeeps:
PROS: Fast, 1 machine gun and 2 passengers, bullet-proof windows, light armor, limited protection from small-arms fire,
capable of attacking aircraft
CONS: Not capable of repelling tank rounds, anti-tank missiles, rockets, or missiles

The best alternative to a light jeep is a heavy jeep. Think of it as putting on body armor, it would help defend you, at the
cost of speed. More well suited to going into a fire-fight, but be ready to jump out!

HMMWV (High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle, or Humvee)
A high-performance military truck designed for use in all infantry applications. It can "climb" over steep hills and get
through most forms of terrain. Used by the USMC.

Nanjing (NJ) 2046
Does the same as the HMMWV, except it is utilized by the PLA.

GAZ 39371 Vodnik
Does the same as the HMMWV, except it is utilized by the MEC and has slightly more protection for passengers.

Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs)
PROS: Balances armor, speed, and weapon load efficiently, eats at armor with a wire-guided anti-tank missile, can cross vast
expanses of water, fully protected from small-arms fire, effective 25mm auto-cannon
CONS: Vulnerable to aircraft: a laser-guided or TV-guided missile can destroy it in one shot

The most versatile vehicles in the game, this is the best choice if you want a vehicle that can adapt to the ever-changing
mission. Use the wire-guided missiles in conjunction with smoke grenades: hide behind it while you are reloading your
wire-guided missile and fire at the tank/other APC again. It is a better choice against aircraft than the heavy jeep.

All-terrain, all-weather armored transport that is capable of operating off-shore. Used by the USMC.

WZ 551
Designed by the PLA to quickly deploy infantry to almost any battlefield in the world. Capable of moving over rugged
terrain, the WZ 551 is also capable of traversing inhospitable environments.

An amphibious all-terrain APC designed by the Russian Army, the BTR-90 is probably the most effective of the APCs in the
game, with its 30mm auto-cannon. Utilized by the MEC.

Anti-Aircraft Vehicles
PROS: The most effective vehicle for targeting aircraft, good way to mow down infantry with its auto-cannon, heat-seeking
anti-aircraft missiles, right amount of armor
CONS: Not effective against armored platforms, victims of anti-tank weapons

The name says it all; you have the ability to shoot down helicopters and low-flying aircraft (bombing runs) with it. AA
vehicles are also strong enough to cut through large groups of enemy troops, amassing for an assault. Watch out for tanks
and APCs, they will shred this vehicle. When attacking an enemy aircraft, make sure you are near cover, so if the aircraft
retaliates, you can hide behind it and reload. The gun can also shred through light armored vehicles, such as Heavy Jeeps.

Find where your team lacks air-defense, and place it somewhere near it, under cover and out-of-sight. Both the APCs'
auto-cannon and the AA vehicles' auto-cannon fire with a distinctive sound, if you hear one, take cover.

M6 Bradley Linebacker
A modified M6 Bradley fitted with improved aircraft tracking systems and a stinger missile. This AA vehicle leans towards
APC more than AA, but it is still a more effective platform against them, at the cost of speed. It is armed with 12 stinger
missiles, and 1 25mm auto-cannon with 450 rounds. There is a passenger seat at the top; he uses his kit's weapons.

Type 95
Fully armed and ready for battle, the Type 95 is equipped with 4 25mm auto-cannons and 4 SAM launch tubes. There is a
passenger seat at the top; he uses his kit's weapons.

The Tunguska is a combination of gun platform and missile platform. It is suited for short-range (2x 30mm auto-cannon), and
long-range (12 AA missiles). There is a passenger seat at the top; he uses his kit's weapons.

PROS: Strongest Armor, Smoke Grenade, largest gun, coaxial machine gun
CONS: Slow, weak on the sides and rear, vulnerable to anti-tank and air-to-ground missiles

The tanks are the dominant vehicle at surface level. They are slow, but they are heavily armored, and carry the largest gun.
Be aware of enemy aircraft and anti-tank missiles, they can shred your tank quickly.

The M1A2 is the backbone of the US Military. It carries a high-tech armament, a 120mm cannon equipped with 40 rounds. Its
coaxial machine gun does a good job at stopping enemy infantry.

Type 98
Building on advanced Russian and European designs, China created an advance tank equipped with a laser-range finder, wind
sensor, ballistic computer, and axis stabilization system to better the chance of its 120mm gun hitting its target. It holds
40 rounds.

The successor to the T-80, the T-90 improves on a more powerful weapons system, with its 125mm main gun. It is equipped with
40 rounds.

PROS: Quickly travels over water, machine gun, carries 6 people, machine gun tears through infantry and light armor
CONS: No Armor, exposed to small-arms fire

The stealthy, fast attack and transport boat is here. Take out "attack" and you will have a good idea of what it does. It is
best used for insertion operations off-shore. Take a back route to wherever you are going.

RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat)
Made from high-tech materials, the RIB is used by all tactical forces of each faction. One machine gun in the front and 4
passenger position in which they can use their kits.

8. Aircraft [2.3]
There are 4 types of aircraft: Fighters, Fighter-Bombers (Attackers), Transport Helicopters, and Attack Helicopters. Each
type has its own task, the one its best at doing. Choose the right one for the mission at hand.

PROS: Fast, Agile, Versatile, Best choice for Air-to-Air
CONS: Weak Armor, not so effective against ground targets

Use this aircraft for dogfights. It is agile and fast, but at the cost of armor. Dropping bombs from this aircraft isn't as
accurate as dropping them from a Fighter-Bomber, Fighter-Bombers have glide fins on their retarded bombs. Instead of flying
level when dropping bombs, go at a shallow dive and then release them.

F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
Ready to perform a variety of missions, the F/A-18E/F is a versatile aircraft, though it is most effective in dog fighting.
Armed with a 20mm auto-cannon with 900 rounds, 6 heat-seeking missiles, 2 dumb bombs, and a replenishable heat flare. Used
by the USMC.

F-35B Joint Strike Fighter
Designed and built to replace the AV-8B Harrier used by the USMC and the Royal Navy, it has the same weapon specifications
as the F/A-18E/F. It employs VTOL and stealth (not active in-game). All weapons are stored in an internal weapons bay. Used
by the USMC.

Jian J-10
An advanced PLA fighter that is well respected. It has an advanced design, with canards and a single, powerful engine. Same
weapons specifications as the F/A-18E/F.

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum
The MiG-29 was designed for superiority in dogfights. One of the 2 Russian counterparts going against the F-15, the MiG-29
has proven itself in many ways. It is used by the MEC and follows the same weapon layout as the F/A-18E/F.

PROS: Very fast, capable of shooting down enemy aircraft and destroying ground targets with bombs and laser-guided missiles
CONS: Weak armor, slightly less agile than pure fighter counterparts

The fighter-bomber is a balanced type of aircraft, it can search and destroy ground and air targets efficiently, with
heat-seeking missiles and dumb bombs fitted with glide fins. These aircraft are good at destroying enemies at choke points,
or on bridges. They are designed for low-altitude bombing runs, with the advanced glide fins that slow the bomb down before
impacting the ground. Make a new squad for your crew of two to use VOIP to the best of its ability.

F-15E Strike Eagle
Producing about 25,000 pounds of thrust from each engine, the F-15E is fast, yet it still retains a large payload of 4
heat-seeking missiles, 5 dumb bombs, 900 20mm auto-cannon rounds, and 20 laser-guided missiles. It can pack a punch without
degrading other factors. Used by the USMC.

SU-30MKK Flanker-C
With an advanced Doppler radar and infrared optic and laser systems, the SU-30MKK can easily track 10 targets and get a shot
at them. China began using these high-tech fighters in the turn of the millennium, where they began pushing it into training
centers and on to the battlefield. Fitted with the same weaponry as the F-15E.

SU-34 Fullback
The two-seat, long-range fighter bomber was designed to replace the aging SU-24 of the Soviet era. Used by the MEC, it is
both advanced and deadly, with its armament and specifications meeting or succeeding its American counterpart, the F-15E.
Fitted with the same weaponry as the F-15E.

Transport Helicopters
PROS: Capable of carrying squad-size amounts worth of infantry all over the battlefield, fast, twin miniguns/heavy machine
guns to defend itself, mostly protected from small-arms fire
CONS: Weak-armored, vulnerable to most types of missiles, enemy aircraft, and even low-fired rockets

The ideal aircraft type for transporting infantry to the front-line. Best way to capture neutral control points at the start
of the game. Use the miniguns/heavy machine guns for defense, not attack that is reserved for attack helicopters.

HH-60H Seahawk
During the 1970s, the US Army needed a replacement for their aging UH-1 Hueys. The UH-60 was their answer, with the HH-60H
being the US Navy variant. Armed with two twin miniguns, the Seahawk is one of the world's most advanced transport
helicopters, with its high-tech avionics and defensive systems. Capable of holding 6 soldiers, the maximum amount allowed in
a squad.

NOTE: In real life, the USMC does not operate HH-60s, or any other variant. They usually use CH-47 Chinooks and the new V-22

The Z-8 is a mid-sized transport helicopter used by PLA forces that was designed on the French Super Frelon helicopter. Same
weapon specs as the HH-60H, but it is armed with heavy machine guns rather than miniguns.

Mi-17 Hip
A Russian transport helicopter that's also capable of attack, air support, electronic warfare, and medical evacuation, the
Mi-17 is MEC's versatile transport helicopter. It uses the same weapons layout as the Z-8.

Attack Helicopters
PROS: Fast, hit-and-run type of vehicle, devastating against tanks, APCs and all other forms of ground units
CONS: Weak-armored, vulnerable to anti-aircraft missiles and enemy fighters

The pilot is armed with the unguided rockets, while the gunner gets TV-guided missiles and the main auto-cannon. As with
other vehicles in the game, attack helicopters are best used with a crew of two, one to pilot and the other to man the guns.
The auto-cannon can quickly shred through light armor and infantry quickly. Make a new squad for your crew of two to use VOIP
to the best of its ability.

AH-1Z Super Cobra
Armed with 56 unguided rockets, 8 TV-guided missiles, 900 20mm auto-cannon rounds and heat flares, the AH-1 is fully prepared
to go to battle as a fire support helicopter. Used by the USMC.

Designed for air-to-ground type attacks, the Z-10 is China's premier attack helicopter. Uses the same weapon layout as the

Mi-28 Havoc
The latest addition to both the Russian and MEC air force, the Mi-28 is ready for battle with its extra-effective 30mm
auto-cannon. Uses the same layout as the AH-1Z, except with an upgraded, 30mm "tank shredder" auto-cannon.

9. Effective Game Strategies [2.4]
This section will explain to you some of the most effective game strategies in Battlefield 2, before we show you walkthrough
of all playable missions. Put in no special order.

On-Foot (Infantry):
-You can peer through your sights while moving, but your pace will be reduced to a slow walk.

-High caliber weapons can penetrate through weak objects, such as flimsy pieces of metal.

-Press Shift to descend a ladder more quickly, sliding down the rails rather than climbing down each and every step.

-Shock Paddles can not only be used to revive teammates, but also engage in knife-like combat.

-Body armor provided by the anti-tank, assault, and support kits add about 33% of extra health to the torso area, they are still
exposed to sniper head shots.

-As you might have noticed, while on foot, snipers do not have an on-screen cross hair to use, so you must use the optical
scope; if you are a sniper, move with your pistol in hand and ready to use.

-When using bolt-action sniper rifles like the M24, after firing a round down range, continue holding the left mouse button
to continue peering through the scope, so you won't lose your target. After you release the left mouse button, the bolt will
retract, and you will reload your rifle.

-Increase the accuracy of the weapon that you are firing by laying in a prone position. This is especially effective for
snipers, as accuracy is one of the most important factors in this game.

-By using the right mouse button rather than the left when throwing a grenade, it will vary the amount of strength being
applied to the throw, indicated by a bar at the right side of the screen. This usually takes slightly longer, so know which
method to use.

-Use the knife/shock paddles when engaging an enemy that is reloading at close range or for missions that have stealth in

-When you are entering a friendly minefield, on the right side of the screen will show a red, skull and crossbones icon,
indicating that you are entering a friendly minefield, be on the watch out!

-It only takes 2 C4s to destroy tanks, APCs, AA vehicles, and commander assets. Everything else only needs one.

-Engineers can repair vehicles within seconds with his wrench.

-A good idea is to pick up dead soldiers' packets and use them. You might want to just try them out, or if you need ammo or
health, change, and revert back.

In A Vehicle
-All the machine guns onboard vehicles have unlimited ammo, but they still retain the overheating issue.

-The FAV's heavy machine gun can turn 360 degrees, while the DPV's heavy machine gun can only shoot facing forward.

-When using the tank, switch to third person view when not using the main gun. Watch out for Spec Ops trying to place C4s on
your tank! When you have a gunner, you should be better protected.

-You can use RIBs to mine the shallow waters that regular vehicles cross. Mines placed there are very difficult to spot and
are really good choke points for you to exploit.

In An Aircraft
-Pressing S on the F-35B will send it into a hover. Be wary, it takes a few seconds for the thrust to be backed up to a
vertical direction, and you are a big, fat, easy target for anti-aircraft.

-If you choose to practice flying helicopters, choose a transport helicopter first. You can change the sensitivity of a push
of a button in the options menu, under helicopters.

-When entering a battlefield under an aircraft equipped with a HUD, be careful of allied units that are depicted by a X.

-If you happen to be in a dogfight, it is really helpful if you follow the contrails of an enemy fighter during a tight,
high-G turn. It makes it easier to track those agile enemy fighters.

-Wait until an enemy fighter flies relatively level before letting off a missile. Be sure to patiently let it drop flares to
assure it as a hit.

-When targeting a tank, make sure to fire multiple missiles at it, if you are a pilot in an attack helicopter.

-Flying over specific sections of a runway will provide more ammunition for your aircraft. Same goes for helicopters, except
at a helipad.

-If you are a gunner on an attack helicopter, coordinate with the pilot to help make your TV-guided missiles worth actually
hit their target(s).

-If you are planning to use your auto-cannon on an attack helicopter, change the view to outside of the cockpit
(default: C), so you can get a better look at the enemy.

-When you are piloting a transport helicopter full of teammates, you can hover over an enemy's or neutral control point and
capture it from within the aircraft. Be aware of incoming anti-aircraft and even anti-tank missiles at the altitude for you
to be capable of capturing bases. Using this strategy, you can quickly capture a control point in a very short amount of

-Use the afterburner to assist in take-offs (default: Shift+W; double-tap W). This gives enemies less time to kill you and
your aircraft.

-Be careful if you are dropping bombs from regular fighters at low altitudes. They can impact near you, inflicting damage
(sometimes serious amounts) to your aircraft.

10. Environments/Battlefields [3.0]
This section will give you a general overview of the levels playable in Battlefield 2 some strategies for the level, and
some technical specifications. 1) Means first/major objective, 2) Means the second thing you should aim at, 3) Means the
third thing to aim towards, etc. The strategies are mainly taken from a commander's viewpoint, though they can be effectively
used by soldiers on the frontline.

10.1 Dalian Plant [3.1]
US Rapid Deployment forces are advancing to capture the Dalian Plant nuclear facility and force disruptions to the
electrical grid in northern China. Elements of the Second Army of the People's Republic of China have moved forward to
serve as an improvised defensive force. This location is of vital strategic important to both sides, for a major reduction
of the generating capacity of the PLA forces would allow rapid consolidation of US units dispersed throughout this vast

|Dalian Plant|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Double Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) Both sides should rush for the Reactor Towers at the beginning of the game, but the USMC DPV gives them a slight head

2) The USMC should attack the Main Entrance with its tank, the M1A2; pilot the Super Cobra and cut off the PLA troops in
between the Construction Site and the Power Plant
3) Defend the southern-facing side of the Construction Site base, while pushing towards the Main Entrance, if it hasn't
been captured already
4) Attack the Power Plant control point from the Main Entrance, Construction Site, and Reactor Towers

2) China should attack the Main Entrance with its Type 98; if the NJ 2046 gets to the Reactor Towers and defeats the enemies
there, use the Z-10 to form a offensive/defensive hub, providing close air support to the Main Entrance, Power Plant, and
Reactor Towers
3) Attack the Construction Site from the three control points, the Main Entrance, Power Plant, and Reactor Towers

PLA: If you have a Z-10, should move it north of the Construction Site, flanking it and giving it a good look at the
American main battle tank. Watch out for the roof top AA turret on the south-western building in the vicinity. Do this once
you are moving in for the win
USMC: If you have a Super Cobra, move it somewhere near the crane. Use it to defend the area, going farther south and west
will bring you towards the Chinese AA system, if it is manned; use the cooling towers to cover your advance

|Dalian Plant|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-on
Total Control Points: 6
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) At the beginning of the battle, send aircraft over to the Reactor Towers and South Docks, the two most important bases to
the USMC
2) Use the F-35Bs to secure air-superiority, rather than bombing the Chinese forces, so you can provide and opening for the
AH-1Zs to provide close air support
3) Move onto the Maintenance Building, pushing PLA forces farther and farther back
4) Stop Chinese forces moving away from the Main Entrance, but do not move in towards the control point, doing so would
spread the defenders thinly

1) Quickly arrive at the Reactor Towers and South Docks, capture them before the USMC arrive, even though it might be at the
cost of a J-10 (you can load up a Z-8 and capture the bases as well)
2) Secure a firm foothold on the coastal control points, and deny the USMC of any aircraft or vehicles to launch an attack
from, be very protective of the Reactor Towers, as they no longer spawn AA turrets
3) Keep a close watch of the water, the Marines can still launch a stealthy attack from it; Z-10s are excellent at destroying

PLA: It is worth a J-10 to get to one of the 2 coastal control points, it will secure an easily defendable area of the
battlefield, while setting the USMC at a large disadvantage; when flying, avoid getting too near the USS Essex, its Phalanx
air defense system is very effective against your aircraft
USMC: Use the F-35B to target the enemy fighter and transport helicopter first, so that you can provide helicopter pilots
with the only option of targeting ground forces

|Dalian Plant|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 8
Convertible Control Points: 6

1) At the game's start, call in an artillery strike on the road that the PLA forces use to move out of the mountains, and
send a Super Cobra over to secure the position, while USMC forces move onto the coastal control points
2) Following right behind the Super Cobra is a SeaHawk full of infantry, to capture the Main Entrance control point, while
F-35Bs establish air superiority in the region; the other SeaHawk should be hovering over control points, easily capturing
3) Defend all the control points, especially the Main Entrance and Warehouse control points, they are most likely to come
under attack; use the M1A2s that spawn at the South Docks and Reactor Towers to help reinforce the positions
4) If you lose a control point, defend the Maintenance Building and the three coastal control points, to maintain ticket
drain on the Chinese forces

1) Send a Z-8 and J-10 to the eastern control points to capture them before the USMC does, to gain an early advantage in the
2) Secure the control points at the coast and defend them well
3) Use the J-10 and Z-10 to halt the US invasion

USMC: A quick, but powerful strike on the Main Entrance should stop almost all Chinese forces, if you can hold onto it
PLA: If you lose the North Docks and Reactor Towers, construct an L-shaped defense line to hold off the US forces attempting
to push through; if you get the opportunity, recapture the two control points

10.2 Daqing Oilfields [3.2]
American forces striking south are now poised to seize this crucial logistic component in China's ongoing war effort,
seeking to both divert petroleum resources while simultaneously hindering PLA mechanized efforts in this sector. The stakes
are high in this head-on collision between advancing US brigades and the defending Chinese forces, with both sides advised
to cautiously advance through this volatile landscape.

|Daqing Oilfields|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Double Assault
Total Control Points: 3
Convertible Control points: 3

1) Move for the Oil Cisterns, using DPVs, while splitting your team into 3 squads, one for each control point
2) Send a Super Cobra to follow the attack team that is on a DPV
3) The squad that ends up back guarding the base should be consisted of one sniper and one anti-tank soldier, while the last
strike team should move in on the eastern border of the map, following the dirt path
4) Drop an artillery strike on the Chinese at the Old City, as well as a UAV scan, while the last strike team closes in on
foot to capture the control point
5) The Chinese have no where to spawn, and they will most likely be going to attack one of your control points

1) Rather than engage the US at the Oil Cisterns, place an artillery strike at it, while loading up a Z-10 and sending it
over, to prepare the control point for assault
2) Send a squad over to the Refinery control point, using the train tracks on the western border as a guide
3) Once you have gotten near enough, get out and walk over to the southwestern side of the perimeter, there, you should find
a patched hole, which you can destroy with just a few shots of the silenced pistol
4) Move along the side of the southwestern smokestack, and then run to the red shipping container next to the smokestack,
where you can capture the control point
5) If it hasn't been done already, shoot down the American Super Cobra, denying them of the vehicles and air assets they
need the most

Both: Always assault the Oil Cisterns control point with a full squad, probably defeating all of the remnant soldiers
staying put there

|Daqing Oilfields|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-On
Total Control Points: 7
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) Immediately at the start of the battle, split the team up into 4 squads, 3 assigned to an individual control point to
capture, while the other one mans the aircraft at the US Town
2) 2 of the squads assigned to capturing bases should take off in DPVs, and head for the Refinery and Gas Station Control
Points, while the other squad should take the SeaHawk and head for the Power Station
3) Use this tactic to drain the Chinese tickets, with an M1A2 at each base; holding off the PLA ground forces should not be
too hard
4) Be wary of the Chinese aircraft, they can wreck havoc on your tanks and infantry, so hold them back at bay with the M6
Bradleys that spawn at the US Town and Refinery to the Power Station and Gas Station, for protection against enemy aircraft

1) Use the same beginning tactics as the Marines are, send ground forces to the Old City and Power Station, while a Z-8
heads for the Gas Station
2) The remaining squad should man the aircraft and provide close air support to your troops at the each of the control
points, especially at the Power Station and Gas Station, until you can move in Type 95s into position for air defense
3) If the Marines are having a difficult time turning the battle around, consider an attack at the Oil Cisterns, but only do
this if you have the area scanned and found the enemy presence at a low amount

USMC: Try to keep only the four control points to continue the ticket drain on the Chinese, and avoid spreading your forces
too thinly, a PLA counter strike could be coming at any moment
PLA: Only spread out to the Oil Cisterns once you are certain that your plan will not backfire, losing one or more control
points and the ticket drain on the Americans
Both: Drop supplies at each location to keep the defenders restocked on ammunition, health, and repairs

|Daqing Oilfields|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-On
Total Control Points: 9
Convertible Control Points: 7

1) At the beginning quickly split into squads and send them over to Gas Station, Refinery, and West Oilfield as fast as
possible, with the DPVs
2) Using the available SeaHawk, send troops over to the Oil Cisterns and Power Station
3) Send vehicles over from the Refinery and the West Oilfield over to more effective control points on the map, and hold a
firm control over half of the map
4) Watch over the East Oilfield, as the Chinese are likely to capture it and utilize the Z-10 that is going to spawn there,
bring anti-aircraft vehicles over to support the position
5) When the coast is clear, move on to the East Oilfield and Old City to secure your win, permanently

1) Move troops over to the perimeter control points, specifically the West Oilfield, Power Station, and the Old City, while
a Z-8 is being sent over to the East Oilfield
2) Use the Z-10 to assist in close air support at other control points, where it spawns at the East Oilfield
3) Consider bombing the US troops at the Gas Station, since it spawns no defenses, just watch if the US brings in
anti-aircraft weapons
4) Coordinate with the rest of your team to hold back the American forces, and secure and open victory

Both: If you happen to capture the Oil Cisterns, you will need more than the defenses spawned there, send some armor over to
assist the position

10.3 Dragon Valley [3.3]
Ancient legends of this “fairyland on earth” tell of a yellow dragon that helped the king channel flood waters into the sea.
Currently, American military forces are converging upon this idyllic valley, to secure a foothold in the Minshan mountain
range. Elements of the US Marines are on the offensive in this sector, while the forces of the People's Republic of China
are called upon to defend ancient ancestral lands, in what promises to be a bitter engagement.

|Dragon Valley|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Double Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) Keep one squad stationed at the Wood Yard, in case the Chinese are attempting a flank, and send a squad in a HMMWV
(Humvee) across the river ford to the Hill Village, and secure it
2) Use the Super Cobra to protect the infantry at the Hill Village, while at the Hill Village, create a new squad composed
of Spec Ops soldiers, and insert them via DPV, and send them towards the Refinery
3) If part of the insertion squad, see if the control point is infested with enemies or not, if so, get out and swiftly move
through the patched holes in the eastern side of the facility, and towards the control point
4) A squad of three should convert the control point in a few seconds
5) Pin the PLA forces at the Power Station, with 2 tanks, a Super Cobra, and your troops
6) If opportunity arises, capture the control point

1) Send all of your forces to the Power Station, while keeping your Z-10 back at the Refinery to guard it from rush attacks
2) After the Power Station has been captured, send the Type 98 and WZ 551 down to the Wood Yard, attacking it with brute
3) Send down a rain of artillery shells at the Wood Yard, while Anti-Tank soldiers shell the position with rockets
4) After the Wood Yard has been captured, focus on containing the Marines at the Hill Village, while ever-so-slowly, pushing
them back
5) Keep the Z-10 in between the Refinery and Power Station control points to defend them from any back-door attacks, while
firing at the Hill Village with the artillery, send tanks from the Wood Yard and Refinery to hold the Marines back, until
they fall down

USMC: Use the AH-1Z Super Cobra to destroy enemy units near the Power Station control point when you have the chance to
PLA: Make sure to guard your flanks at the Refinery control point, without it, you will probably lose control of it from a
quick attack squad

|Dragon Valley|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 6
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) At the beginning of the match, fire artillery atop the Island Farmhouse control point and follow the attack with an M1A2,
M6 Bradley, LAV-25, and the HMMWV (Humvee)
2) After the control point has been captured, and the two anti-aircraft turrets captured, send your Super Cobra into a
defensive perimeter around the Island Farmhouse, to help repel the revenge-seeking PLA forces
3) Capture the Wood Yard control point with your armor, and attempt a sneak-attack on the Power Station or the Refinery
control points with the SeaHawk, if successful, the Chinese will lose their only tank and commander assets
4) If the sneak-attack was not successful, send your forces towards the Hill Village control point
5) After assaulting the Hill Village with Marines, move on to the Refinery, if it hasn't been captured; if it has, move for
the Power Station control point

1) Man the anti-aircraft turrets at the Island Farmhouse, Hill Village, Wood Yard, and Power Station, to fend off any enemy
aircraft; bring a rain of artillery shells on the Market Place control center, to halt any US movement, before they even can
2) Send a large group of anti-tank troopers to the Island Farmhouse, to defend it from any US tanks and APCs; station a
sniper at the Refinery control point, to defend it from any sneak-attacks the US has planned
3) Keep the Z-10 away from the Market Place control center, to be clear of the American anti-aircraft turret and M6, but
move it anywhere within the central valley
4) If the Island Farmhouse is lost from your control, be aware that the Marines can move their forces in either direction,
towards the Wood Yard or the Hill Village

PLA: Stationing a sniper at the Refinery control point will keep the area safe, as well as protecting the only Chinese tank
that spawns there
USMC: Wait until the anti-aircraft defenses at the Island Farmhouse are taken down before heading out, those heat-seeking
missiles tear through aircraft armor quickly
Both: It is a good idea to station an anti-tank soldier near the bridge/overpass at the Power Station control point, and
keep him stocked with a Supply Drop at his location, the position where he is at can easily expose the positions of enemy

|Dragon Valley|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 11
Convertible Control Points: 10

1) Quickly send out your Super Cobra attack helicopters and strike the enemy-held Vista Point, River Village, and Temple
control points; use the F-35Bs to clear the skies of enemy aircraft, so the Super Cobra pilots can have some peace-of-mind;
while the US armor is making its way to the control points
2) Spearhead the assault with ground forces, send them towards the Island Farmhouse and Market Place control points, as they
have anti-aircraft crawling all over the place; attack the Market Place from the Mountain pass on the northeastern side of
the enemy control point, when infantry begins over-running the Island Farmhouse control point, with the help of RIBs
3) Sneak-attack the Refinery control point with your SeaHawk: attack from the east or west of the control point, allowing a
squad leader to be on the outset of the point, letting your forces spawn at him and quickly assault the control point
4) Pressure the remaining Chinese bases, from both the north and south faces, until the PLA cannot win

1) Send J-10s to the north end of the map, providing air superiority (on a CAP mission); while sending the Type 95 spawned
at the Hill Village to the top of the map, covering all of the undefended control points from an air strike
2) Engage any Marine vehicles by building a perimeter of anti-tank and engineer foot troops around the Vista Point, River
Village, and Temple control points
3) Bring a Z-10 to the front line, to defend from any RIB assaults, and assist in holding back the American advance
4) Defend the crucial Refinery control point from any Marines trying to ambush the control point, if it is lost, all of the
Chinese air assets will be lost, and letting the USMC secure air superiority and harass your ground troops

Both: Use the river fords to quickly access control points across rivers

10.4 Fushe Pass [3.4]
China's rich mining areas in the northeastern highlands have become contested by rapidly deploying US and Chinese forces.
The narrow canyons carved into this region channel both forces into inevitable head-on confrontations as each seeks to
secure the prized uranium mines with their advancing forces. In the context of this double assault; success will favor the
bold, given the constrained nature of this rugged battlefield.

|FuShe Pass|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Double Assault
Total Control Points: 3
Convertible Control Points: 3

1) Send a DPV to the Island control point, while a squad should be advancing westward
2) Put a sniper at the edge of the map, east of in-between the East Mine Entrance and the Island control points, to watch
for enemy movement towards the Island control point
3) Move your forces into the West Mine Entrance, while keeping a few back at the East Mine Entrance, and capture the base

1) Send a few soldiers in an FAV and drive it to the Island control point, while the rest of your team loads into a tank and
2) Move the tank and APC across the double bridges, to the East Mine Entrance
3) Capture the base, and trap the Americans on the Island, bombard them with artillery and move in for the final kill

USMC: Use the high path near the East Mine Entrance to snipe away at enemy infantry approaching the Island control point
PLA: Assault the East Mine Entrance from its back door, most of the US troops will be gathered around the Island control
point, leaving their base open for capture

|FuShe Pass|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-On
Total Control Points: 6
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) Send two teams in DPVs at the beginning of the game to the East Mine Entrance and the West Mine Entrance, while a third
team heads for the Security Headquarters
2) Block Chinese troops that pour out from the south-facing exit of the Upper Camp control point, with a few anti-tank and
Engineers sent by a transport helicopter
3) Deploy mines and position anti-tank troops from your team at strategic ambush locations, like the hills near the dam
southwest of the Upper Camp, while attempting to capture the Bridge Camp
4) Hold the 4 control points and retain the ticket drain on the PLA forces

1) Get to the Bridge Camp, while rushing to the East Mine Entrance and the West Mine Entrance
2) Control or destroy the bridge downhill from the dam
3) Pressure the Security Headquarters and capture it
4) Box in the Marines at the Power Plant, restricting them from any possibility of capturing a control point

Both: Use the attack helicopters provided to gain an advantage against the enemy soldiers and vehicles crossing over bridges

|FuShe Pass|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-On
Total Control Points: 10
Convertible Control Points: 8

1) Use aircraft and fly over to control points, fighters to hold off the Chinese forces, and the helicopters for unloading
troops at a drop zone
2) Bring a few squads to the Bridge Camp and West Mine Entrance, with the squad consisting of anti-tank and engineers
3) Once you control 7 of the 10 control points, head for the Upper Camp, and secure the position
4) Hold back the Chinese aircraft by sending an AA vehicle over to the control points near the Chinese Airfield
5) Pressure the Canyon Guard Post and watch the PLA tickets fall away

1) Send out vehicles and aircraft to the control points, using the site's geographical advantage, and seize most of the
control points early in the game
2) Destroy the eastern bridge near the US Airfield with warplanes and focus on taking out transport helicopters
3) Hold a defensive position around the bases you currently control, while boxing in American forces into their remaining

Both: Use the transport helicopter to quickly get to neutral control points and capture them quickly, a fully loaded
transport helicopter can capture a control point relatively fast. Be aware of enemies that target you, if your helicopter is
destroyed, all the occupants are killed as well

10.5 Songhua Stalemate [3.5]
Newly formed Active Component brigades of the US Marines advance from the Russian plains into the territories of the
People's Republic of China, where rapidly deployed Chinese forces mass to counter the assault. The stalemate situation along
the Songhua River has deteriorated into reciprocal assaults by both sides, each seeking to capture this vital transportation
artery. Stakes are high in this double assault that involves control of the main gateway to Southern Manchuria.

|Songhua Stalemate|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Double Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) Using speed, take a group of anti-tank soldiers over to the Temple control point; while a light jeep drives to the North
Island control point
2) Hold onto the three control points (station men at the two front-line control points, but watch out for flanks), to drain
the Chinese tickets
3) Look for a chance to take over the last control point, Central Front, using the Black Hawk at your disposal

1) Use the same strategy as the Americans, or flank the West Perimeter and take the control point, limiting the US to only
light jeeps and RIBs
2) Keep the USMC at bay, while continually pushing towards their bases from two angles

Both: Use the one tank on each side to your advantage; they will be very helpful to winning the battle if used correctly

|Songhua Stalemate|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Double Assault
Total Control Points: 6
Convertible Control Points: 6

1) Go for the 2 central control points with most of your forces
2) Push the Chinese back to their Headquarters by capturing the Central Front control point
3) Use the helicopters spawned at the West Perimeter and Fish Factory to assault the Chinese HQ, in conjunction with ground
forces: use speed to take over the Chinese HQ

1) Use the same tactic as the US, or flank them utilizing the two transport helicopters and fly them across the northern and
southern edges of the map, dropping them off at the Fish Factory
2) This forces the Americans to retake the Fish Factory, leaving the North and South Islands for capture; defend the Fish
Factory well, to deter the US Mariners
3) The USMC are forced to defend their last control point, the West Perimeter; bombard their base with an artillery strike
and use heavy armor and APC to defeat the last of the enemies

Both: Use the APC to attack and defend control points and strategic areas on the map. Put an engineer to repair the APC when
needed. The APC is the most effective unit on this map; it is stronger than the RIB and can travel on both land and water.

|Songhua Stalemate|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-On
Total Control Points: 8
Convertible Control Points: 8

1) Flank the Chinese HQ and Central Front with a squad of Anti-Tank troopers in a fast transport and an APC heading from the
North Perimeter and engage any enemy armor and infantry
2) The remainder of your forces should head onto the North and South Islands
3) This should isolate the South Front control point

1) Send units over to the North Island and North Perimeter control points and overrun the stationed enemies there, providing
cover for your northern flank
2) Quickly capture the South Island
3) Drop troops over at the Fish Factory, while ground forces penetrate the West Perimeter's defenses

Both: There are numerous ambush locations scattered all over the battlefield, use them to your advantage

10.6 Gulf of Oman [3.6]
A USMC Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) has landed on this Persian Gulf beach during the night in the hopes of quickly seizing
the nearby MEC airbase.
The stakes are high for both sides. The Marines face possibly being driven into the sea and destroyed. The MEC forces could
lose a key airbase and open the door for US forces to take strategic oilfields. Both sides have been using the morning to
prepare for the final assault.

|Gulf of Oman|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Conquest
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) Send soldiers in a jeep to the Village control point, while the rest of your team loads up in a tank and the other jeep
and head for the City control point
2) Drop artillery on the City control point and instruct your men to hold off until the artillery has ceased firing
3) Watch the rooftops of the adjacent buildings; they are most likely going to be used by the enemy
4) Hold on to the three control points, and defend from any invaders
5) Attempt to sneak in a few soldiers while the MEC are busy trying to take over one of your control points, but be aware
that this is a daring move, it can backfire

1) Capture the City control point and hold off the US invasion from there
2) Send a few Special Forces over to the Beach control point and destroy some of the commander's assets; while the remainder
of your forces mine the City control point and attack the Village control point

Both: It is a good idea to keep one soldier back at base to watch for enemies trying to flank your main control
USMC: While defending your control points, use mines to aid you
MEC: Use the tall structures adjacent to the City control point to ambush the American forces as they move in to capture the
City control point

|Gulf of Oman|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest
Total Control Points: 7
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) Man the AA turrets that spawn at each base and defend the control points
2) Send out the fighters and head for the Airfield Base control point, strafe any air assets taking off
3) Send an artillery strike over to the Hotel, then follow with your armor (tanks, APCs, and helicopters), using the
helicopters to clear the area and drop troops in
4) Have a UAV hovering over the Hotel control point to assist the troops on the ground that are taking over the base; watch
for snipers and Anti-Tank troopers that may be hiding on the rooftop or in hills
5) Use the same strategy as you did to capture the Hotel control point as you are to capture the Construction Site control
6) Defend the control points that are under your control, all of them are likely to be attacked by the MEC; strike the
Airfield Base with artillery and bombing sorties until the battle is won

1) Recon (using the UAV) the River Fort or Rock Fort, seeing which one is less guarded and attacking it; use the same
strategy as the USMC to capture a control point
2) Once you have one of the bases, move onto the next one in the line, but be alert of enemy movement towards the other
control points
3) Use the MEC aircraft to shoot down enemy aircraft and kill ground forces, but be on your toes, as US AA turrets line the

USMC: Use the F-35B's weaponry and maneuverability to defeat foes both on the ground and in the air
MEC: Use the rooftops of the structures that are near each control point to easily ambush and destroy enemy forces

|Gulf of Oman|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest
Total Control Points: 9
Convertible Control Points: 7

1) Send troops over from the Village Fort to the Hotel and take control
2) Once the Hotel control point is under your control, attack the Village control point, and overrun it.
3) This effectively isolates the Construction Site control point, now you can either pound the base with bombs and
artillery, camp, or take over the control point

1) First, concentrate on taking over the River Fort control point, rather than the Village Fort, because you can get that
any time, and you can easily suppress any enemy movement towards the Hotel by just camping on the rooftop
2) Attack any fort that is not under your control, by sea, air, and land, until you control all of the strategic points
3) Keep your aircraft on the mainland, to maintain air superiority and not get shot down by the Phalanx AA CIWS

USMC: If the Hotel has been taken by the MEC, make sure to clear the rooftop and attack from all directions to pin the enemy
troops down; load up in a few light jeeps and head towards the Airfield Base and harass the enemy over their, it will
effectively cut off their troops at other command points, making them open to capture
MEC: Drop artillery on the back of the US Carrier once you control all of the convertible control points, it will soften up
the enemy

10.7 Kubra Dam [3.7]
Active Component brigades of the US Marines are deploying toward a key dam site in the Saudi desert, intent upon control of
this strategic location. To counter the threat, MEC forces are advancing their own mobile brigades to blunt the US spearhead.
This rough desert terrain contains a mix of terrain types, requiring the utmost tactical flexibility by both US and MEC
soldiers. The ultimate objective of both sides in this battle is to gain control of the entire Kubra Dam sector.

|Kubra Dam|

Game Type: Conquest Double Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) As soon as the game starts, send a jeep to the Upper Dam control point; the jeep should be holding 1-2 Anti-Tank troopers
and the 1-2 Special Forces troopers
2) Instead on focusing on taking over the control point, the attack squad should focus on repelling the MEC attack-at-hand;
the Anti-Tank troop(s) should focus on taking out the enemy vehicles and covering the Special Forces unit as they plant C4
charges on the bridge/road; use the jeep's machine gun to easily tear through enemy troopers as they approach your operation
3) The rest of the team should be heading for the Lower Dam control point, while some of the quick attack force jumps off
from the top of the dam to reach the bottom, more quickly than climbing down the ladders (or sliding down them)
4) Either use the spawned SeaHawk to raid the last base or dig in at each control point and hold back enemy efforts to
defeat you, three of the four control points will be enough to drain the MEC's tickets

1) Using the same strategy as the Americans, quickly capture the Upper Dam using Vodnik that spawns at the Power Plant,
capture, defend, and jump
2) Dig in at all three control points and repel the US invasion force; the US can flank the Power Station control point
easily, so be ready to hold your main base

Both: Use the tower north-east of the Upper Dam control point to easily secure the surrounding area

|Kubra Dam|

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 8
Convertible Control Points: 7

1) Organize your team into two separate strike teams, one heading towards the neutral Bridge Base control point, while the
other should move towards the Material Station control point; send artillery and an air strike over to the Material Station
before proceeding to capture the control point
2) Once the Bridge Base control point has been won, attack the Refueling Station, securing a foothold in the northern sector
of this map
3) Your separate battle groups should individually head for the Power Station and Construction Site, effectively cutting off
the troops stationed at the dam itself; use artillery and air strikes when needed
4) Hold the dam control points and defend on both the air and the ground, using AT mines, the F-18, and the M6 Bradley AA
5) Wait and harass spawning enemies at the Intake control point, then move in when the coast is clear

1) Defend the Intake control point at the start of the battle by manning the AA turret and using the MiG-29 that spawns
there, while just regular troops wait if any enemies are to flank the base by jumping out of their aircraft; spread a squad
out at the dam, to fend off any approaching enemies
2) Try to hold the Material Station and Refueling Station as long as possible; if one or two of the control points is lost,
retreat to the dam and fortify the Power Station, Lower Dam, and Construction Site control point
3) Hold all of the dam control points, while attacking oncoming enemies using snipers, anti-tank troopers, and the Mi-28 to
harass enemy vehicles that come close to the dam

USMC: Use the area above of the Material Station (Supervisor Station in the 64-player map) to spawn infantry (station a
squad leader there)
MEC: Falling back on the dam might be better than controlling all of the convertible control points because you can harass
the enemy troops that think they can capture the dam control points

|Kubra Dam|

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 9
Convertible Control Points: 8

1) Using a similar strategy to the 32-player map, attack the Bridge Base control point, while another section of your team
moves in to the Supervisor Station control point
2) Push the MEC in a north-to-south direction, using artillery to soften up each control point as you move along;
alternatively, if the Intake is unmanned, consider dropping troops in via SeaHawk
3) Converge at the dam, using it as a strategic point, decide to either dig in or attack the Intake from multiple

1) Deploy most of your troops at the frontline, specifically, the Supervisor Station and Refueling Station; remember to hold
a few soldiers back at the Intake to prevent any flanking maneuvers
2) Use mines, anti-tank troops, the Mi-28 and bombing runs to reinforce these vital positions, consider cutting off the US
at the Bridge Base by destroying the bridge that connects the Bridge Base and Refueling Station
3) Launch counterattacks if a base has fallen to the USMC

USMC: Capturing the Material Station and Construction Site denies the MEC of Tunguska AA vehicles, making the troops in the
air have a lot easier job
MEC: Use the Mi-28 to 'peek' over the top of the dam and destroy enemy vehicles using rockets and guided missiles

10.8 Mashtuur City [3.8]
Leading elements of the US ground force must capture Mashtuur City, a primary Middle East axis of advance. In response, MEC
units are rushing forward to hold the city at all costs. In this double assault upon a key urban asset; all elements of
modern warfare are likely to be deployed, attempting to secure vital CPs that dot the city. Victory will go to the side that
controls the majority of Mashtuur when hostilities cease.

|Mashtuur City|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Double Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 4

1) Send a few soldiers to the North Bridge in a heavy jeep and focus on blowing the bridge to buy some more time for the
Special Forces at the North Bridge
2) Call an artillery strike on the Hotel control point; while the rest of your team moves to capture the Road Construction
control point
3) Continue to drop artillery on the Hotel; while engaging the Hotel when the chance comes

1) Use the same strategy as the US, except mine the bridge rather than blow it up and put snipers and anti-tank troopers on
the rooftop of the Hotel
2) Capture the Road Construction and blow this bridge, rather than the North Bridge
3) Keep the jeeps at bay using mines and anti-tank troopers, while an attack force advances through the city to capture the
final control point

Both: Use mines to cover the narrow roads and alleyways

|Mashtuur City|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Double Assault
Total Control Points: 5
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) Immediately send troops in jeeps over to the Mosque and Backyard, while a third team consisting of Special Forces should
blow the north bridge
2) Capture the Power Plant control center, this pins the MEC's troops down in the northwestern corner of the map
3) Send a team of Special Forces over to the Hotel by SeaHawk and destroy their commander assets
4) Fire artillery on the Hotel control point and use the heavy fire as cover to move in and capture the base

1) Send a team over to the Power Plant control point, capture the base, and blow the south bridge to prevent any early raids
using the jeeps
2) Cover the northern bridge and prevent the US from destroying it; it is the highway to the US-controlled territory
3) Rush from across the bridge and raid the Hill control point using a team loaded up in the transport helicopter
4) Attack the remaining bases, with them boxed in, it should be easier

Both: Use the ladders to gain a height advantage in this map; they are great for vehicle ambushes. Using the same thinking,
watch the rooftops for enemy troops poking out to take a shot at you

|Mashtuur City|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Head-On Conquest
Total Control Points: 7
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) Capture the Mosque and Backyard as in the 32-player map
2) Blow BOTH of the bridges, forcing the enemy to come to you
3) Take cover and dig in, prepare for an onslaught of MEC troops: fortify yourselves in buildings and on their rooftops,
especially on the ones that overlook the bridges
4) Drop troops in by helicopter to eventually take over the MEC control points

1) Unlike the US strategy, at the beginning of the game, send most of your units over to the Hill control point and capture
2) The US forces should be in disarray, capture back any bases they could have managed to take over, and wait while the US
tickets begin to drain
3) Put artillery over the South Gas Station until the battle is over

Both: Drive jeeps on the perimeter roads to flank enemy positions where they wouldn't expect an invasion to take place

10.9 Clean Sweep [3.9]
This vital entrance to the Persian Gulf is held by local MEC forces who have established a strong defensive presence on the
scattered islands of the waterway. For the US Rapid Deployment force to clear the waterway they must first deploy air assets
to disable a key MEC power station, after which the US force must enter the channel and capture the islands defended by
these determined MEC fighters.

|Clean Sweep|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 3

1) At the start of the battle, load up the F-15E with an anti-tank trooper and another soldier and jump out over the
refueling station
2) Let one of the troopers take the APC (the one that doesn't pack AT weaponry), only if it is still there; capture the
control point
3) Bomb the long bridge that connects the Small Airfield to the Control Center
4) Attack the Small Airstrip, while leaving some of your units back at the Refueling Station
5) Drop artillery and order air strikes down on the Control Center control point before sending your units into the base

1) Station most of your troops at the Control Center post, and man the anti-tank and anti-aircraft stations and prepare for
a large force of oncoming airborne, sea borne invasion
2) Use the Su-34 to achieve air superiority and destroy the RIBs and APCs that head over across the water
3) Have one trooper deployed at the Refueling Station that is manning the AA station and, if an enemy manages to parachute
out of his aircraft, shred him with the APC

USMC: Focus on one control point at a time, to overrun the troops that are stationed there
MEC: Be prepared to destroy the F-15E before it releases its payload, which is why someone always mans the AA turret

|Clean Sweep|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Assault
Total Control Points: 6
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) Get all of your troops organized and move into the Control Center control point
2) Attack the Small Airstrip, but make sure to leave 2-4 troops behind to defend the Control Center
3) Leave 1-2 troopers back at this control point, and then move the rest of your force onto the Refueling Station
4) Defend the current control points; move on when the chance comes

1) Send half of your force or more to defend the Control Center point, man all of the defensive turrets and units there;
engage enemies while they cross the water
2) Occasionally send small raids to the US Airfield and destroy their commander assets

Both: Aircraft are very powerful in this map, use them well
MEC: When defending the Control Center base, use mainly anti-tank and support units

|Clean Sweep|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Assault
Total Control Points: 8
Convertible Control Points: 7

1) Move most of your invasion force towards the Control Center base, while a small team of Special Forces should load up
and head for the MEC Airfield at the other side of the battlefield, destroy the commander assets while the MEC Airfield is
under your control
2) Start picking off control points one at a time, using scans and UAVs to find where the enemy is the weakest, it's usually
the Communications Central and Abandoned Village
3) Always keep a small guard force before heading out to battle
4) Aid ground forces with artillery and airstrikes

1) Station at least one trooper at each control point; put a squad at the Control Center, MEC Airfield, and a squad either
at the Refueling Station or Communications Central
2) If the Control Center is controlled by the enemy, blow the bridge that connects it to the rest of the control points
3) Hold all of the control points

USMC: Use speed, this map was designed for that and special operations
MEC: Send small teams of Special Forces to the US Airfield and cause havoc over there. Destroy the artillery, and the other
commander assets, and fly out in the US' aircraft, so it will not be able to spawn until the aircraft get destroyed

10.10 Sharqi Peninsula [3.10]
This vital position on the Persian Gulf possesses a TV station with a powerful transmitter, allowing it to aid propaganda
support for the ongoing MEC campaign. US Rapid Deployment forces have captured this coastal position and now face a
determined counterattack by converging MEC forces. This lazy seaside resort of villas, markets, and beach houses is about to
become a modern battlefield as US forces attempt to hold onto their newly-captured communications prize.

|Sharqi Peninsula|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 3

1) Engineers should mine the streets east and west of the Construction Site control point; use the crane to rain shells on
the oncoming MEC forces
2) Hold the M1A2 back at the TV Station, to prevent rush attacks with its main gun and coaxial machine gun; troops at the
Construction Site should try to pin down spawning MEC troops at the Hotel; keep at least one sniper and an anti-tank trooper
back at the TV Station

1) Send an artillery strike down on the Construction Site, while troops await battle outside of the Construction Site fence
2) Attack the Office Buildings or sneak attack the TV Station with close quarters combat units

USMC: Use the tall crane and the rooftop of the TV Station to snipe away at oncoming ground units
MEC: Use artillery often in this map to soften up control points for capture

|Sharqi Peninsula|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 8
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) Expect to see large enemy movement from the Outskirts and Club House, so fortify the Hotel and City Entrance, use the
AH-1Z and the M1A2 to push back the MEC invasion force before they begin to capture the west-ward control points, the Hotel
can be easily reached by RIBs from the Beach House control point
2) Watch out for the Mi-28 on this map, it is devastating not only because of its attack capabilities, but also because it
can drop troops deep into US territory, so be sure all of the AA turrets are manned, and that at least one trooper is left
to defend each control point, they can still jump out of a damaged helicopter

1) While most of the attack force is invading the City Entrance and Hotel, load a squad leader in a Mi-28 and fly below the
east cliffs that border the TV Station, and unload, the squad leader can then spawn assault and Special Forces
(as well as the other classes) to capture the control point and destroy the commander assets
2) Before leaving the newly captured TV Station, keep a few troopers back to defend the base from a counterattack
3) The next target is the City Entrance and Surveillance Post, then move onto the Construction Site
4) This forces the Americans to live on the Hotel control point, and then move in for the win

Both: Use the spawned attack helicopter to defeat enemy units quickly, as well as flanking maneuvers

|Sharqi Peninsula|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 9
Convertible Control Points: 6

1) One squad should be fully devoted to defending the TV Station; while the rest of the team defends the west control points
2) Use all of the resources provided to help defeat the MEC, watch out for paratroopers

1) Send troops in a RIB to the northern edge of the cliff and unload, and flank the enemy troops at the Alleyway control
2) Once the Alleyway is under your control, use it to invade the adjacent bases
3) Like in the 32-player map, force enemy troops to the southern end of the peninsula, where they can be easily overrun with
the help of an artillery strike

Both: Whenever attacking a control point, let the squad leader stay behind to provide a frontline spawn point

10.11 Strike at Karkand [3.11]
Control of the industrial facility and harbor at Karkand motivates this assault by US forces, where they find MEC forces
marshalling to defend the industrial city and determined to meet the attack with stiff resistance. The terrain surrounding
Karkand is sufficiently open to allow for sweeping fields of fire, but the open ground increases the danger posed by
anti-vehicle missiles and sniping. It is vital for both sides to secure firebases in Karkand's sheltered city center.

|Strike At Karkand|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 4
Convertible Control Points: 3

1) Distract the most of the MEC troopers by sending six of your troopers down to the Hotel in the tank and APC, while
artillery is being rained down; a team of two Special Forces should take the eastern route to the Market in a Humvee
2) Destroy the commander assets and capture the control point
3) Attack from the north and south, without any vehicles, the MEC will be at a large disadvantage

1) Move all of the vehicles at the Market to the Hotel, but be ready to shift back to the Market or Square if the US
decides to flank you, mine the roads east and west of the Hotel
2) Use artillery and vehicles to hinder the American advance; don't let them take the Market

USMC: Flanking the MEC might be a better choice than going straight into the fray. It all depends on how much the MEC is
investing on defensive positions at the Market. Find the weak spot and exploit it
MEC: Drive the tank behind a concrete barrier at the Hotel to cover it from some forms of damage

|Strike At Karkand|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 7
Convertible Control Points: 6

1) This map requires speed if you want the US to win, so immediately send a tank and APC over to the Hotel control point,
and capture it before the MEC arrive with their armor; a Humvee should be rushing over to the Suburbs to take it before the
MEC can retaliate
2) Continue to push east, eventually reaching the Train Accident, where you should stop; bombard their control point, the
Gatehouse, with artillery until the day is won

1) Put most of your units at the Hotel, they should be mostly comprised of anti-tank, engineers, support troopers: engineers
should mine the streets, while the support and anti-tank troopers take up defensive positions as the seconds roll by; be
sure that at least one person is stationed at each control point
2) Defend the control points in the city, if the US manages to take the area east of the river, fall back onto the Gatehouse
and destroy the bridge, forcing the US to use the river ford to the south, where artillery can easily kill them

USMC: Speed is the most important factor to this mission if you are to succeed, use speed to capture all of the control
points east of the river
MEC: Use the tall building that is adjacent to the Square's rooftop as a recon point; you can see most of the map from there

|Strike At Karkand|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Assault
Total Control Points: 9
Convertible Control Points: 8

1) Bring a rain of artillery shells on the Hotel at the beginning of the game, followed up by a column of armored vehicles
2) Capture the Square and Suburb using the same strategy and stage a sneak attack by sending an APC over the river ford to
either the Cement Factory or the Factory
3) Squeeze the MEC troops in the middle and eventually capture the Train Accident

1) Use the same strategy as in the 32-player map; build a defensive line at the Hotel, while snipers are stationed at the
Suburb and the Square
2) Defend control points east and west of the river, and watch for sneak attacks

Both: Communications and teamwork in this map is very important, make sure to use them

10.12 Zatar Wetlands [3.12]
The Zatar Wetlands along the Red Sea coastline possess vital natural gas resources but create a difficult battlefield for US
and MEC forces. Small tributaries break the landscape into isolated islands whose soggy marshes inhibit heavy vehicles. As
American forces advance, MEC forces possess an initial advantage in the air, making control of an abandoned airfield crucial
early in the battle, after which supply line protection will become an additional consideration.

|Zatar Wetlands|
|16-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Double Assault
Total Control Points: 3
Convertible Control Points: 3

1) Send a DPV loaded with two anti-tank troopers and one engineer to the Central Island; use the M1A2 and LAV-25 to defeat
the approaching enemies
2) Use the Super Cobra to blast away at enemy armor and infantry
3) Send a team of 1-3 Special Forces in a DPV to the Natural Gas Station and sabotage their artillery fire support, and take
defensive positions around the flag, while allied armor rolls into the base

1) Mirror the US strategy
2) Instead of moving head-on to the US armor, fortify the Central Island with the T-90 and BTR-90
3) Pound the Factory with the Mi-28 and artillery strikes to prepare the ground for invasion when the chance comes

Both: The Central Island is an important control point: it spawns the map's only attack helicopter and is required if you
wish to drain the other team's tickets

|Zatar Wetlands|
|32-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-on
Total Control Points: 7
Convertible Control Points: 5

1) Load the SeaHawk up full of infantry and head for the Central Island at the start of the game; while ground vehicles can
reach the Village and Factory
2) Use the Central Island's stinger to shoot down enemy aircraft while anti-tank troopers pick off enemy vehicles from a

1) Use the same strategy as the US

Both: The attack helicopter that spawns at the Central Island is helpful at destroying enemy vehicles that near the control
point, and you can always go back to the helipad to rearm and repair

|Zatar Wetlands|
|64-Player |

Game Type: Conquest Head-On
Total Control Points: 9
Convertible Control Points: 6

1) At the start of battle, spread out and capture the Airfield, Factory, and Village control points
2) After all three convertible control points on the west side of the map are captured; take over the Central Island control
3) Use artillery and air strikes to defeat any of the enemies that arrived there before you and bring M1A2s and LAV-25s over
to support the invasion
4) Repel the MEC, rather than attack them, just hold the west control points and the Central Island and watch the MEC tickets
drop, watch out for sneak attacks at the Village and Airfield though

1) At the dawn of battle, send FAVs and the MiG-29 out to the Central Island and Factory, taking them before the US can; the
T-90 and BTR-90 should separately head for the Natural Gas Station and Farm control center
2) Put lots of anti-tank troopers at the Central Island and repel the force of US armor
3) Destroy the western bridges to make holding the control points easier

Both: Ejecting out of a fighter may be the most effective way to reach a far away control point

11. Unlockable Weapons [4.0]
When playing in 'Conquest' mode, you can rank up, in turn providing you with more weapons that you can choose to outfit
yourself with. Once you have reached a specified rank (while playing on EA's ranked mode, Conquest), you can select a new
weapon to unlock for one of the seven classes. The following tables shows which classes get which unlocks and which rank
provides you a chance to unlock a new weapon.

Kit Class: Spec Ops: Sniper: Assault: Support: Engineer: Medic: Anti-Tank:
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Unlock 1: G36C M95 G3A3** PKM Jackhammer SA80 Protecta
Unlock 2*: FN Scar-L L96A1 FN F2000 MG36 MP7 G36E FN P90

*: Unlock 2 requires the Special Forces expansion pack
**: No under-slung grenade launcher

Ranks for unlock:
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Master Gunnery Sergeant

Without playing on ranked servers, you can still unlock weapons by using a modification. There are 2 methods, one for only
Battlefield 2 v1.0, and the other working for all versions.

Battlefield 2 v1.0 only method:

1. Navigate to your Battlefield 2 installation directory (default: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\)
2. Get to the file '' in the \python\bf2\stats folder
3. Backup the file by copying and pasting it in the same folder, and renaming the copy to something like ''
4. Open the file
5. Choose 'Select the program from a list' and choose Notepad
6. Find the text string: defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
7. Change all of the 0's to 1's
8. Save the file

Battlefield 2 v1.0-v1.41 method:

1. Go to your Battlefield 2 installation directory (default: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\)
2. Find and enter the 'mods' folder
3. Enter the 'bf2' folder
4. Find '' in the list of files
5. Make a backup of the original '' file by copying it to the same directory and renaming the copy to
something like ''
6. Extract '' to a folder named 'objects_server'
7. Right-click the folder and go to 'Properties'
8. Under the 'General' tab, de-select the query 'Read-Only' and click OK
9. There should be a text box that asks whether you want to apply only to the 'objects_server' folder individually, or all
of its sub-folders and files. Select 'Apply to this folder, subfolders, and files', then click OK
10. Open the new folder
11. Enter the 'Kits' directory
12. Go into one of the folders that corresponds to the side that you wish to modify kit weapons ('ch', 'Mec', 'US', and 'EU'
if you have the Euro Forces booster pack)
13. Open any of the .con files, except for the side you chose_common.con and side that you chose_kits.con
14. There should be a text box that pops up asking you how to open the file. Choose to select a program from a list
15. From the list, choose: 'Notepad'
16. Find these 2 text strings: 'ObjectTemplate.unlockLevel 1' and 'ObjectTemplate.unlockLevel 2' (second one is if you have
the Special Forces expansion pack)
17. Above each of the text strings, there should be ObjectTemplate.addTemplate weapon unlock. That is the weapon you will
18. Modify the text string to 'ObjectTemplate.unlockLevel 0' for each of the unlocks you wish to have
19. Save the file(s) you modified
20. Make a copy of the entire 'Kits' folder, and paste it in the mods/bf2 directory
21. Drag the 'Kits' folder into the '' .zip file
22. It should replace the files

12. Battlefield 2 Widescreen & Custom Resolutions [4.1]
This section will describe how to play Battlefield 2 in widescreen, or any resolution. Note that this tweak just 'stretches'
the pixels, so things will most likely not look as well as it could (especially evident with the HUD). Some field of view (FOV)
is lost, but can be restored by using the Widescreen Fixer found here:

1. Find your Battlefield 2 shortcut (if there is no shortcut, make one)
2. Right-click on the shortcut, and select 'Properties' from the drop-down list
3. Under the 'Shortcut' tab, find the query 'Target:'
4. Right of it should be the location of the Battlefield 2 executable
5. Add '+fullscreen 1' (no quotes) after the shortcut; it should look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +fullscreen 1
6. After '+fullscreen 1', add '+szx xxxx' (substitute 'xxxx' for the number of pixels wide your screen is); it should look like:
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +fullscreen 1 +szx 1440
7. Then, add '+szy xxxx' (substitute 'xxxx' for the number of pixels high your screen is); it should look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +fullscreen 1 +szx 1440 +szy 900
8. Click OK, and run the shortcut

13. Changing Ticket Count [4.2]
This is one way to change the ticket count per map/map size.

1. Get to your Battlefield 2 installation directory (default: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\)
2. Enter the 'mods' folder
3. Select the mod that has the map you wish to modify (vanilla Battlefield 2 is the 'bf2' folder)
4. View the contents of the 'Levels' folder
5. Select the map you wish to modify
6. Find the file '' and open it
7. In the .zip viewer, find the .con file 'Init.con'
8. Extract 'Init.con' to the map folder
9. Open the newly extracted 'Init.con'
10. Locate the text strings 'gameLogic.setDefaultNumberOfTicketsEx 16', 'gameLogic.setDefaultNumberOfTicketsEx 32', and
'gameLogic.setDefaultNumberOfTicketsEx 64'
11. Directly right of the text strings should be a number, either 1 or 2, 1 standing for either the MEC or China's tickets, and 2
standing for the US's tickets. The numbers 16, 32, and 64 stand for the map size
12. Modify the number right of the numbers 1 or 2 to the desired number of tickets for each side, divided by 2. For example, a line
for a 16 player game with 200 tickets on each side would look like:
gameLogic.setDefaultNumberOfTicketsEx 16 1 100
gameLogic.setDefaultNumberOfTicketsEx 16 2 100
13. Save 'Init.con'
14. Drag 'Init.con' into '', overwriting the old 'Init.con' with the new one

14. Recommended Third-Party Add-ons & Extensions [4.3]

Battlefield 2 Mods

All (at least the majority) of mods for Battlefield 2 are completely free. They add tens, hundreds of hours of additional
gameplay to the core game. They might include updated graphics, new weapons, modified and new maps to play on, and more players
to battle against.

Mod files are usually quite large, usually from around 1GB to 2GB each.

MUST TRY (simply the best Battlefield 2 mods out there): Allied Intent Xtended
Point of Existence 2

Good (try it if you have the HDD space): Nations @ War
United States Intervention
Battleracer (multi-player only)
Sandbox Mod
Project Reality (multi-player only)

Allied Intent Xtended Review:
"Allied Intent Xtended is the most feature rich single player experience there is for BF2. Building upon the great Allied
Intent Mod, AIX aims to deliver an amazing array of content which is 100% bot compatible for use in single player and coop
game modes. With a sea of multiplayer only or partial sp mods out there, AIX's main focus has always been about creating the
best experience for SP that we possibly could. It's important to note that while AIX can be played in a multiplayer
environment, the nature of this mod will make the conquest MP game modes unfairly balanced as things are created with bots
in mind!"
--Mod DB (Mod Database)

A well done, feature filled mod that is actually worth the 1.5 GB of space required. You will be able to pull hundreds of
hours of pure gaming enjoyment. There are a lot of players on the multiplayer servers, so you'll always have some enemies
to take on. The AI works perfectly, there's no "running into the walls" kind of
thing in this mod. Give it a try, you won't regret it.

Download URL - client file, required to run mod:

Download URL - server file, required to host battles as a server:

Home Page:

Point of Existence 2 Review:
"After a long, bloody war in the Sudan, the governments of the United States and Russia struck an uneasy cease-fire over the
fate of Africa and its burgeoning industry. This peace would be short lived, for to the north a new conflict was brewing.
Ukraine, a former satellite state of the Soviet Union, sought to gain back the power from which it once reveled in.
As the snow fell in a heavy midwinter storm, Ukrainian troops moved towards the border of Belarus. Without warning,
Ukrainian troops attacked with a speed and effectiveness not seen since the blitzkrieg of WWII. With their aggressive tactics,
the Ukrainian army reached the capital of Belarus in a matter of weeks. The lightly armed and ill-prepared Belarusian army
could do little to stop this onslaught of men and metal. The fall of Minsk signaled the end of resistance throughout Belarus.
The bordering countries of Ukraine and Belarus began to wonder if they were as vulnerable to occupation as Belarus had been.
The United Nations condemned these attacks as unjust and illegal but was unable to pass a mandate to take action against the
expansionist aims of Ukraine. The UN's inability to act upon the actions of the Ukrainian army only strengthened Ukraine's
resolve that they could not easily be stopped. Six months came to pass with no military action against Ukraine but rumors had
started that Ukraine was systematically killing their former political competitors. With no clear evidence of the
assassinations, the United Nations was still reluctant to take action. As time passed, more evidence surfaced of executions,
illegal imprisonment, and torture; however, it was all unconfirmed information until a Kramaerican Photo reconnaissance
satellite passed overhead. The satellite caught pictures of mass graves where the Ukrainian army had been dumping the bodies
of political enemies and what appeared to be unarmed civilians. This information was promptly forwarded to the UN Security
Council. With an unprecedented 93% majority, a mandate was drafted and signed. Troops would be sent into Ukraine and Belarus
to bring those who had committed these crimes to justice. In an underground bunker, military advisers and command staff from
around the world met to plan the attack. The principal military force to go into Ukraine would be led by Germany and the
United States. They planned to hit Ukraine first in the hopes that if the Ukrainian public found out about the war crimes
their government had committed in their name, the citizens would lay down their arms and greet the American and German troops
as liberators. The plan consisted of a massive airborne assault and armored spear head from Poland. The German forces would
rush to Kiev in the heart of the country, while the United States protected their northern flank from the Ukrainian troops
based in Belarus. On a dim night in September, the invasion of Ukraine was started. Through the darkness came ten thousand
airborne troops, dropping from the sky like a heavy rainstorm. The destiny of Eastern Europe now lies in your hands. It is
time for you to choose which side of this epic conflict you shall fight on to prove your Point of Existence."
--Mod DB (Mod Database)

If you've ever played Battlefield 2142, this mod will make Battlefield 2 like it, and in some ways, better. It combines the
good figures of Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield 2 and the outcome is this awesome mod. Artillery, high-tech attack helicopters
(like the EuroTiger), and a whole bunch of other cool stuff for you to try out, it all makes this one of the best mods out

Download URL - client file, required to run mod:

Download URL - server file, required to host battles as a server:;9147490;/fileinfo.html

Battlefield 2 Maps

Maps that I recommend you install:

Urban Raid v2.0 -;8242752;/fileinfo.html
(note: There's a rather low amount of tickets, refer to section 13 to change it)

Operation: Black Hawk Down v2.0 -;5381890;/fileinfo.html
(note: Operation: Black Hawk Down does not accurately reflect the true battle, but it is still fun)

Battlefield 2 Singleplayer/Co-op Map Pack (16/32/64) -
(note: Registration at FilePlanet required)

15. External Links [4.4]
Some cool and helpful sites you might want to take a look at:

Official EA site:

For more tips, tricks, secrets, extras, and unlockables:

Battlefield 2 Single Player Bot Changer (v2.1);4239121;/fileinfo.html

Widescreen Fixer

Mod Client and Server File Downloads:
AIX (v1.0) -

POE2 (v2.1) -

View the 'Recommended Mods' section for more information.

16. Credits [4.5]
Neo7 for his "How to Write a FAQ" walkthrough
DarthWright's Crash Team Racing guide as a reference
Gamera's Real World Vehicles FAQ as a reference
yosup's Pokémon Emerald FAQ as a reference
Jackal, insomniac, and Neo7 for the helpful advice on my first FAQ!

Nevermore (Founder) and PWizard (Co-Founder)
Everyone who gave me advice on the message board I posted as "Authors..."
And everyone else I might have forgotten

Websites: (general info) for all of this to be written - Battlefront 2 FAQ - Emerald FAQ - A BF2 FAQ

Battlefield 2 internal client & server files

CheatHappens for all of this to be written

Thanks for reading this FAQ on Battlefield 2

Questions, Comments, Feedback, or Suggestions? Email me at:
Alternatively, send me a PM (Private Message) at

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