Mass Effect - Cheat (PC)
There are cheats for the PC version of Mass Effect, but in order to use them you must first do some document editing. Because of the fact that you have to edit an installed document, you are doing so at your own risk.
Head to the folder where the game is installed (which will end in BioWare\Mass Effect) and then go to Config. Open the file BIOInput as a text document. Then, find the line Engine.Console and, directly underneath it, create a new line that says ConsoleKey=Tilde (this is the best button choice to bring up the cheats console). Save your file thereafter. Once you play the game again, you can press the tilde (~) key to bring up the cheats console, where the cheats below can be inserted.
fly - Gain the ability to fly
giveall - Acquire all of the game’s gear, save armor
giveallarmor - Acquire all of the game’s armor
giveallbioamps - Acquire all of the game’s bio amps
giveallomnitools - Acquire all of the game’s omni tools
givetalentpoints X - Receive talent points where X equals the amount
givexp X - Receive experience points where X equals the amount
ghost - Allows you to walk through hard objects like walls
setparagon X - Receive Paragon points where X equals the amount
setrenegade X - Receive Renegade points where X equals the amount
walk - Use this command to disengage fly
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