Fallout 3 (Survival Edition) - Cheats & Hints
Cheat Codes:
To bring up the cheats console during gameplay, hit the tilde (~) key. Then, insert the cheat listed below on the left for the corresponding result on the right.
- addspecialpoints X - Add indicated amount of Special Points (X = amount)
- addtagskills X - Adds indicated amount of Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
- advlevel - Level up your character one level
- GetQuestCompleted - Complete current quest
- getXPfornextlevel - Gain one level
- help - List all console commands
- modpca Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats (Y = stat type, X = amount)
- modpcs Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your skills (Y = stat type, X = amount)
- player.setlevel X - Set player level (X = level)
- player.additem 000000F X - Get indicated amount of caps (X = amount)
- removefromallfactions - Remove player from all factions
- rewardKarma X - Add indicated amount of Karma Points (X = amount)
- setpccanusepowerarmor X - Toggle Power Armor use (X = 0 or 1)
- setspecialpoints X - Set Special Points (X = amount)
- settagskills X - Sets Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
- tcl - No clipping mode
- tmm1 - All mapmarkers
- tdt - Toggle debug display
- tlv - Toggle leaves
- tgm - God mode
Hint: Hacking Indefinitely
Here’s a great tip (though it will be obvious for some people).When you hack a computer in the game, you have four tries to hack it successfully. If you don’t hack it successfully on the fourth attempt (as in, you don’t guess the proper password), the station you’re trying to hack will permanently shut down. But if you only try three times and bail out of the process before trying for a fourth time, the password will reset, giving you three more options. You can do this indefinitely without risking shutting the terminal down.
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